CLAIRVOYANT (ADJECTIVE):- intuitive, psychi
Synonyms:- visionary, propheti
Antonyms:- real, moderat
Example Sentence:-You don’t need to be a clairvoyant to see how this is going to turn out.
- CLIQUE (NOUN):- group of friends
Synonyms:- cabal, coterie
Antonyms:- individual, personal
Example Sentence:-The organisation is run by a small clique of wealthy families.
- COALESCE (VERB):- blend, come together
Synonyms:- consolidate, integrate
Antonyms:- divide, disjoin
Example Sentence:-It is important for party members to coalesce to form a strong party.
- APLOMB (NOUN):- assurance
Synonyms:- composure, equanimity
Antonyms:- doubt, uncertainty
Example Sentence:-He took the news with undeterred aplomb.
- APOCALYPTIC (ADJECTIVE):- outstanding in revelation, prophecy
Synonyms:- fateful, ominous
Antonyms:- short- sighted
Example Sentence:-Insurance policies helps against apocalyptic outcomes.
- SURREPTITIOUS (ADJECTIVE):- sneaky, secret
Synonyms:- clandestine, private
Antonyms:- public, open
Example Sentence:-The pet has his surreptitious ways of stealing things behind my back.
- PROTAGONIST (NOUN):- the leader of or the person who argues most in favor of a cause
Synonyms:– Champion, Leader
Antonyms:- Opponent, Adversary
Example Sentence:-Mahatma Gandhi was the protagonist of the Indian Freedom Struggle.
Synonyms:- foolish, idiotic
Antonyms:- keen, sensible
EXample Sentence:-He is a fatuous boy.
- SYCOPHANT (NOUN) :- a person who seeks favour from flattery and servile attention
Synonyms:- Bootlicker, Brownnoser
Antonyms:- Boss, Authoritative
Example Sentence:-The boss knew that most of his team members were sycophants.
- ARRAIGN (VERB):- accuse
Synonyms:-incriminate, indict
Antonyms:- exculpate, exonerate
Example Sentence:-He arraigned me of no reason.