1. His ———– in his family’s position is great but he does not boast about it.
A. status
B. pride
C. deceit
D. presumption

2. Everyone in this universe is accountable to God ———– his actions.
A. about
B. against
C. for
D. of

3. Prasanna got the company car for a ———– price as he was the seniormost employee in the company.
A. reduced
B. nominal
C. fixed
D. discounted

4. The opposition parties allege that prices of essential commodities are ———– like a runaway ballon.
A. soaring
B. reviving
C. flying
D. leaping

5. It was through the Second World War that Russia ———– herself increased ———– in power and wealth and prestige.
A. saw, abundantly
B. notice, gullibly
C. witnessed prodigiously
D. None of these

6. In the world of today, material values take precedence ———– spiritual values.
A. about
B. on
C. over
D. at

7. He congratulated his friend ———– the latter’s success.
A. for
B. about
C. on
D. with

8. Even when Murugan’s reputation was in ———– almost everyone was willing to admit that he had genius.
A. failure
B. rebuttal
C. accululation
D. eclipse

9. The speaker pointed a ———– picture of hunger in parts of India.
A. chimerical
B. passionate
C. parisimonious
D. poignant

10. No sooner did he me ———– he tried to run away.
A. notice, when
B. see, than
C. observe, soon
D. watch, that

11. In the ———– areas of the rail road terminal thousands of travellers lingered while waiting for their train.
A. extensive
B. capacious
C. commodious
D. capricious

12. Knowledge is like a deep well fed by ———– springs, and your mind is the little bucket that you drop in it.
A. perennial
B. eternal
C. sterling
D. immortal

13. These were reduced to skeletons for they had long been ———– for food.
A. famishing
B. longing
C. snarling
D. craving

14. A legislation was passed to punish brokers who ———– their clients funds.
A. devour
B. devastate
C. dawdled
D. embezzle

15. We had a wonderful view of the bay through the ———–.
A. window
B. zenith
C. vicinity
D. proximity

16. That charming girl was the ———– of all eyes.
A. aim
B. target
C. ambition
D. cynosure

17. Even more than beauty, your attracts me and with ———– appeal.
A. a delectable
B. a sententious
C. an irresistible
D. an ineluctable

18. The enemy paid a large sum as ———–
A. redress
B. amends
C. compensation
D. punishment

19. His answer was such ———– I expected him to gave.
A. who
B. as
C. which
D. that

20. She is so ———– that she easily catches cold.
A. sober
B. sincere
C. sensitive
D. sensible
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. B
11. C
12. A
13. A
14. D
15. A
16. D
17. C
18. C
19. B
20. C