1. One who is new to a profession?
A.) Novice
B.) Expert
C.) Professor
D.) Lecturer

2. One who knows many languages?
A.) Speaker
B.) Linguist
C.) Debater
D.) Stylist

3. One who talks in one’s sleep
A.) Somnambulist
B.) Somniloquist
C.) Neomatic
D.) Dreamer

4. One who settles in another country
A.) Settler
B.) Resident
C.) Immigrant
D.) None of these

5. One who lives on flesh
A.) Herbivorous
B.) Omnivorous
C.) Carnivorous
D.) Carnivorous

6. Killing one’s mother
A.) Matricide
B.) Homicide
C.) Patricide
D.) Suicide

7. A bunch of flowers
A.) Flock
B.) Group
C.) Fleet
D.) Bouquet

8. A place where dead bodies are kept
A.) Hospital
B.) Mortuary
C.) Garden
D.) Court

9. The house of an Eskimo
A.) Hut
B.) Building
C.) Hamlet
D.) Igloo

10. The study of mountains
A.) Philology
B.) Paleontology
C.) Orology
D.) Ornithology

11. I have been living in Hyderabad ______ 2010.
A.) on
B.) at
C.) in
D.) since

12. The first rank was shared ________ three students.
A.) for
B.) between
C.) among
D.) with

13. Joe and Jay always quarrel _______ themselves.
A.) for
B.) between
C.) over
D.) among

14. He prefers coffee _______ tea.
A.) to
B.) for
C.) on
D.) over

15. _______ seeing the police, the thief ran away.
A.) on
B.) by
C.) as
D.) none

16. Akash went to serve _______ the army.
A.) with
B.) in
C.) for
D.) by

17. I visited my grandmother along ______ my cousin.
A.) by
B.) to
C.) with
D.) None of these

18. She has been staying in Bombay ________ 2 years.
A.) from
B.) since
C.) by
D.) for

19. My friend presided ______ a meeting yesterday evening.
A.) over
B.) at
C.) with
D.) on

20. The child jumped _______ to catch the ball.
A.) up
B.) above
C.) by
D.) at

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. C
11. D
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. A
16. B
17. C
18. D
19. A
20. A