Direction (Q.1-10): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pairs of words denoted by the numbers 1), 2), 3) and 4). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make it meaningfully complete.
1. In the___________, the US is________________in the development and deployment of the controversial national defence missile system.
A. meantime, engaged
B. future, evolved
C. near, entangled
D. process, divulged

2. Jammu and Kashmir is already _ _ many autonomus powers which other states are_________.
A. bargaining, deprived
B. deserving, avoided
C. enjoying, denied
D. using, witness

3. The___________of having Hindi as the national link language is that it is the most_______________Indian language.
A. spirit, crucial
B. ethics, scholastic
C. custom, sought
D. merit, popular

4. If universities in each state adopt the regional language as their______________of instruction, it will severely_____________ the inter-state mobility of students and teachers.
A. priority, degrade
B. section, peril
C. medium, affect
D. area, disconnect

5. Nationalism is generally not a pleasant virtue and the world has grown rightly____________ of it after all the damage it has
A. abusive, availed
B. suspicious, inflicted
C. fed, sustained
D. hostile, erected

6. Our military intelligence has enough_____________on the_________________of terrorist hideouts.
A. expertise, menace
B. skills, searching
C. data, operating
D. information, location

7. Quite a few batsmen have had the______________of being_______________with actually the incomparable Don Bradman.
A. legend, attached
B. charisma, involving
C. opportunity, adamant
D. honour, compared

8. Apart from agricultural labourers, farmers who have lost their______________also need work to_____________in a drought.
A. fields, maintain
B. cattle, support
C. crops, survive
D. capital, live

9. The main reason for most of the damage during an earthquake is the ground movement_____________by the seismic
A. caused, waves
B. contributed, force
C. compelled, activities
D. raised, elements

10. Russia has _ _ _ _ _ _ for joint efforts with India to fight international terrorism and religious__________.
A. initiated, terrorism
B. raised, intolerance
C. called, extremism
D. appealed, patience

Direction (Q.11-20): Fill up the blanks with a suitable pair of words from the options given below to make a meaningful sentence.
11. Prejudice begins as a/an____________ statement, ending on a___________ that justifies any extreme.
A. simple, proof
B. odorous, sentiment
C. innocuous, belief
D. ample, tool

12. The growing city____________ upon the____________of certain animals.
A. touches, dwelling
B. Extended, shelters
C. encroaches, habitats
D. hits, habits

13. There is an urgent need to____________ the attitude of people towards______________ steps against smoking.
A. curb, such
B. rectify, few
C. correct, little
D. reorient, reformative

14. Besides_________ laws for social causes, the government should also launch social_________ campaign.
A. implementing, justices
B. enforcing, activity
C. judicial, cause
D. framing, awareness

15. The recent spate of riots has proved that biases____________in childhoods are strengthened in_____________.
A. gathered, school
B. learned, riots
C. inculcated, adulthood
D. imbibed, force

16. Those who___________ the norms of society are criticised.
A. involve
B. change
C. disagree
D. transgress

17. The group was found to be___________ in subversive activities.
A. involved
B. engaged
C. rebellious
D. uncharitable

18. The prisoner of war was_______________ to torture.
A. opposed
B. supposed
C. expose
D. subjected

19. The Principal wanted me to improve the____________ of mytermpaper.
A. rationality
B. coherence
C. reasoning
D. quality

20. The recent___________ demands____________ and trial under POTA.
A. incident, attention
B. result, culprit
C. resolution, extradition
D. meeting, focus

1. A
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. C
11. C
12. C
13. D
14. D
15. C
16. D
17. A
18. D
19. D
20. C