DIRECTIONS: Find in the blanks with gerunds.

Q1. Boys like —– foot ball.

  1. playing
  2. to playing
  3. to played
  4. to be playing


Q2.Suganya is not capable of —— hard work.

  1. do
  2. doing
  3. to be doing
  4. to be done


Q3.They cannot stop —–.

  1. sing
  2. sings
  3. singing
  4. be singing


Q4.On Sundays I go —–.

  1. fish
  2. to fish
  3. fishes
  4. fishing


Q5.I remember —– you last year.

  1. meet
  2. met
  3. meeting
  4. to meet


Q6.She felt an insect —– around.

  1. to fly
  2. to be flying
  3. flying
  4. fly


Q7.The boys were punished for —– late.

  1. came
  2. to come
  3. to coming
  4. coming


Q8.It is a common sight to see youngsters —– Junk food.

  1. eat
  2. to eat
  3. eating
  4. is eating


Q9.She servant afraid of —– the master.

  1. disobey
  2. disobeyed
  3. disobeying
  4. be disobeying


Q10.—– to many places enriches our knowledge.

  1. travel
  2. to travel
  3. travelled
  4. travelling


Q11.—– dogs do not bite.

  1. to bark
  2. bark
  3. barking
  4. is bark


Q12.Waiting for a bus is a —– experience.

  1. kills
  2. kill
  3. killing
  4. is killing


Q13.I detest —– in public places.

  1. smoke
  2. smoking
  3. smoked
  4. be smoking


Q14.I am averse to —–.

  1. drink
  2. drunk
  3. to be drink
  4. drinking


Q15.Do you mind —– the window.

  1. closing
  2. to closing
  3. closed
  4. close


Q16.—– away one’s time in an art

  1. idling
  2. idled
  3. to idle
  4. be idling


Q17.I saw her ——.

  1. dance
  2. dancing
  3. to dance
  4. is dancing


Q18.She is not interested in —– sweets.

  1. eat
  2. eaten
  3. eating
  4. to be eating


Q19.She felt an insect —– around.

  1. fly
  2. flying
  3. to fly
  4. to flying


Q20.He went on —– foolishly.

  1. spoke
  2. to speaking
  3. speaking
  4. speaks



  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. C
  7. D
  8. C
  9. C
  10. D
  11. C
  12. C
  13. B
  14. D
  15. A
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. B
  20. C