1. When did Buddha live?
    Ans : 560-480 BC


  1. Buddha means?
    Ans : awakened one/enlightened one


  1. Where was Buddha born?
    Ans : Lumbini/Kapilavastu (Nepal)


  1. Where did Buddha die?
    Ans : Kushinagar


  1. Buddha belongs to which clan?
    Ans : – Sakya/Shakya


  1. What was the Buddha’s original name?
    Ans : Siddhartha Gautama


  1. Parents of Gautama Buddha ?
    King Suddodhana & Queen Maha Maya


  1. Buddha was married to ?
    Ans : Yasodhara


  1. Who was Buddhas son?
    Ans : Rahula


  1. What was the name of Buddha’s horse?
    Ans : Kanthaka


  1. Buddhacarita was written by?
    Ans : Asvaghosa


  1. What Mauryan ruler was the first to adopt Buddhism?
    Ans : Ashoka


  1. Who spread Buddhism in Korea?
    Ans : Wonhyo Daisa


  1. Buddha attained enlightenment under_____ ?
    Ans : pipal tree in Bodh Gaya, India


  1. The world’s largest monolithic statue Buddha is in?
    Ans : Bamiyan


  1. How old was Buddha when he attained enlightenment?
    Ans : 35


  1. Who asked Buddha to share his kingdom?
    Ans : Bimbisara


  1. Where did Buddha attain enlightenment?
    Ans : Bodh Gaya


  1. Where did Buddha have first disciples?
    Ans : Sarnath


  1. Who donated the Jetavana monastery to Buddha?
    Ans : Anathapindada


  1. How many years did Buddha preach?
    Ans : 45


Five Great Events of Buddha

Life and their Symbols
1. Birth: Lotus and Bull
2. Great Renunciation: Horse
3. Nirvana: Bodhi tree
4. First Sermon: Dharmachakra or wheel
5. Parinirvana or Death: Stupa

Four Noble Truths

  1. The world is full of sorrows.
    2. Desire is root cause of sorrow.
    3. If Desire is conquered, all sorrows can be removed.
    4. following the eight-fold path.

Eight Fold Path
1. Right understanding
2. Right speech
3. Right livelihood
4. Right mindfulness
5. Right thought
6. Right action
7. Right effort
8. Right concentration