GK Questions and Answers: ASEAN Countries


GK Questions and Answers: ASEAN Countries


  1. What is the full form of ASEAN?


(a) Association of South East Asian Nations


(b) Administration of Southern East Asian Nations


(c) Organisation of South East Asian Nations


(d) Administration of South East Asian Nations


Ans. a


Explanation: The full form of ASEAN is Association of South East Asian Nations.

The motive of ASEAN is to promote economic cooperation in south East Asia and ensure economic stability in the region.


  1. How many members are in the ASEAN?


(a) 18


(b) 67


(c) 10


(d) 53


Ans. c


Explanation:  The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok.

Currently there are 10 members in the ASEAN.


  1. Which of the following country is not the member of the ASEAN?


(a) Laos


(b) Cambodia


(c) Philippines


(d) Mauritius


Ans. d


Explanation: There are 10 members in the ASEAN.

The names are as follows; Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Brunei.


  1.  Which of the following statement is NOT correct about the ASEAN members?


(a) Indonesia has highest population among the ASEAN members.


(b) Singapore has highest Per Capita GDP among the ASEAN members.


(c) Cambodia has lowest nominal GDP among the ASEAN members.


(d) Brunei has the lowest population among the ASEAN members.


Ans. c


Explanation: Brunei has lowest nominal GDP among the ASEAN members.

According to estimates released by the IMF, the nominal GDP of the Brunei was US$12336 million in April 2017.


  1. When was ASEAN established?


(a) 1963


(b) 1967


(c) 1985


(d) 1996




Explanation: ASEAN was founded on 8 August 1967 with five members: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.


  1. Where was first ASEAN summit held?


(a)  Manila


(b) Singapore


(c) Bali


(d) Jakarta


Ans. c


Explanation: First ASEAN summit held in Bali, Indonesia between February 23-24, 1976.


  1. Where is the headquarters of ASEAN?


(a) Bali


(b) Jakarta


(c) Manila


(d) Singapore


Ans. b


Explanation: The headquarters of ASEAN is in Jakarta, Indonesia. Its secretary of states lives in the capital of each country.

The post of secretary general of the ASEAN is rotated among each member country alphabetically after every two years.


  1. What is the objective of the ASEAN?


(a) To increase competition among the members countries for better products.


(b) To integrate the economies of the region to make region more attractive for investors


(c) To promote economic cooperation in South East Asia and ensure economic stability in the region.


(d) b and c both


Ans. d


Explanation: ASEAN nations want to promote economic cooperation in South East Asia and ensure economic stability in the region and to integrate the economies of the region to make region more attractive for investors.