Home Minister launches Sanskrit Language Study Center




1.North Korea invites South Korea President to talk in Pyongyong :-

North Korea’s leader Kim-Jong-he has invited South Korea’s President Moon-Je-in to come to his country. South Korea persuaded North Korea to participate in the Winter Olympics here. According to the spokesperson of South Korea’s President, sister-in-law of Kim-Jong-she handed her letter to South Korea’s President as soon as possible to visit North Korea soon. This invitation has given the possibility of interaction again between the two Korean leaders for the first time in ten years.


2.In the election of local bodies in Sri Lanka, the coalition supporting the former president created an edge :-

In the elections of local bodies in Sri Lanka, the alliance with former President Mahinda Rajapaksa has taken the lead. The coalition has won 272 seats so far, although the full results will be available till noon today.

The results of local body elections are proving to be a political setback for Sri Lankan President and Prime Minister. At the same time, the former President Mahinda Rajapaksa has the opportunity of political withdrawal. After losing the presidential election in 2015, the President tried to circumvent Rajapaksa with his party, but failed. With this victory, many ministers and MPs can flee to Rajpakesh camp, thereby weakening the political situation of President Sirisena. Prime Minister Ranil Vikram Singh’s party has suffered a lot of involvement in the Bond scandal, and for the coming days, there may be turmoil in Sri Lankan politics.


3.Winter Olympics started coloring in Pyongchang in South Korea :-

The 23rd Winter Olympics started in Rangoon in South Korea’s Pyongchang City. In March Past, the march under the joint flag of Korean countries and lit torch simultaneously is a historic moment. For the first time, the Winter Olympic Games are being organized in South Korea. Players from 92 countries and regions are participating in this competition. There will be a total of 102 medal wins in these games. Out of the major players from India, Jagdish Singh will take part in the 15-kilometer cross skiing freestyle of men. Shiva Krishnan will play in Luge’s men’s singles.


4.Another ceasefire violation of Pakistan army in Manjot sector :-

On the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir, the Pakistani army violated the ceasefire once again and today, heavy mortar in Rajouri district was filed. Defense sources told Akashwani that the Pakistani army fired indiscriminately firing small and automatic weapons in the Manjot sector on the LoC at 11 o’clock in the morning and fired heavy mortars. Indian soldiers responded to this.


5.Center and Delhi Government launch special campaign to prevent pollution :-

Environment Minister Harsh Vardhan has reiterated the central government’s commitment to reduce pollution. Starting with a clean air campaign in the city jointly with Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Shri Harsh Vardhan hoped that this 15-day symbolic campaign will not be organized but will continue throughout the year. Dr. Harsh Vardhan stressed the need to use science and technology to deal with pollution.

Shri Arvind Kejriwal emphasized the need for studying throughout the year on various sources of pollution. This campaign will continue till February 23.


6.Home Minister launches Sanskrit Language Study Center :-

Home Minister Rajnath Singh yesterday launched the Sanskrit Language Studies Center in Gujarat University in Ahmedabad. This center will run a six-month course to teach spoken in Sanskrit.


7.Indian Unique Identification Authority asked government departments not to deprive them of necessary services and benefits if they do not have the basis :-

The Indian Unique Identification Authority has asked government departments, ministries and state governments to ensure that the real beneficiaries are not denied any necessary services or benefits if they do not have the basis. The Authority said in a statement that it has taken some news seriously in the media related to refusing to recruit or refuse medical services. The authority said that related agencies of such claims of refusing to provide service are investigating and if this happens then strict action will be taken.


8.Former Lieutenant General Mahinda Rajapakse’s allies supporting Sri Lankan local body elections :-

In the local body elections held in Sri Lanka, former President Mahinda Rajapaksa supported coalition is heading for a massive victory. The alliance with President Mittal Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Vikram Singh has been a major setback in his fortress, which is likely to cause turmoil in national politics. While former President Mahindra Rajapakse has returned strongly, it is a political crisis for President Sena. In Colombo his party’s Prime Minister Ranil Vikram Singh has a shared government with the party, but during these elections, he took the Prime Minister’s party against the issue of corruption.