Towards a regional reset ? –

Change often comes unannounced, and the government’s foreign policy moves over the past few months represent an unannounced but profound shift in its thinking about the neighbourhood. This could change the course of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s foreign policy before the general election next year.

On the mend –

The most obvious in this is what is now being called the “reset” with China.While the trigger for the rapprochement between the two neighbours was the peaceful resolution of the Doklam standoff and Mr. Modi’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Xiamen last year, the outcome of the easing of tensions is being seen in New Delhi’s public postures this year.

To begin with, the government has taken care not to respond with any heat to reports of the Chinese build-up at Doklam. Construction by the People’s Liberation Army of new bases, bunkers and helipads, as well its troops staying in the erstwhile grazing grounds there through the winter is far from normal activity. Keeping its responses cool, New Delhi has been repeating that the Doklam standoff point is untouched and Chinese construction on their side of the boundary is “not a threat” to India. The government has also gone to some lengths to tone down planned celebrations marking the anniversary of the Dalai Lama’s arrival from Tibet. New Delhi and Beijing have now embarked on a flurry of high-level visits that are meant to lead up to a summit meeting between the two leaders; they may even meet more than once. The shift has given rise to speculation that the two sides are intention making significant progress in smoothening ties on outstanding issues such as boundary negotiations and also narrowing the trade deficit, an issue discussed during the Chinese Commerce Minister’s visit to India recently.

This flexibility is also mirrored in the government’s dealings in the South Asian region. Despite several appeals by the Maldivian opposition, and nudges from the U.S., the Modi government decided not to exert hard power in bringing Maldives President Abdulla Yameen around after he declared a state of emergency in the country. Nor did it engage China in a confrontation when Mr. Yameen sought Beijing’s support in this regard. The government remained silent as Male went a step further and held discussions with Pakistan’s Army Chief, Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa, on joint patrolling of its Exclusive Economic Zone, an area of operation in the Indian Ocean considered to be India’s domain.

With Nepal, instead of seeing red when a victorious Prime Minister K.P. Oli made it clear that he would step up engagement with China in infrastructure development, India rolled out the red carpet for him earlier this month. Nor did India raise concern over Nepal’s Constitution which had sparked the confrontation between India and Nepal in 2015-16. There has also been outreach to Bhutan and Bangladesh in recent weeks. Both Bhutan and Bangladesh are to hold elections this year, and with incumbent governments more favourably disposed to New Delhi than their challengers in the opposition, the results will have an impact on India’s influence in these countries as well.




1) Profound

Meaning: (Of a person or statement) having or showing great knowledge or insight.

Example: “A profound philosopher”

Synonyms:Wise, Learned


2) Rapprochement

Meaning: (Especially in international affairs) an establishment or resumption of harmonious relations.

Example: “There were signs of a growing rapprochement between the two countries”


3) Bunkers

Meaning: A reinforced underground shelter, typically for use in wartime.


4) Troops

Meaning: Soldiers or armed forces.

Example: “UN peacekeeping troops”

Synonyms:Soldiers, Armed forces


5) Erstwhile

Meaning: Former.

Example: “The erstwhile president of the company”

Synonyms:Former, Old, Past

Antonyms:Present, Future


6) Standoff

Meaning: A deadlock between two equally matched opponents in a dispute or conflict.

Example: “The 16-day-old stand-off was no closer to being resolved”

Synonyms:Deadlock, Stalemate


7) Embarked

Meaning: Begin (a course of action).

Example: “She embarked on a new career”

Synonyms:Begin, Start


8) Flurry

Meaning: A number of things arriving or happening suddenly and during the same period.

Example: “A flurry of editorials hostile to the government”

Synonyms:Spate, Wave

Antonyms:Dearth, Trickle


9) Speculation

Meaning: The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

Example: “There has been widespread speculation that he plans to quit”

Synonyms:Conjecture, Theorizing


10) Intent

Meaning: Determined to do (something).

Example: “The government was intent on achieving greater efficiency”

Synonyms:Bent, Set

Antonyms:Half-hearted, Reluctant


11) Negotiations

Meaning: Discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.

Example: “A worldwide ban is currently under negotiation“

Synonyms:Discussion(s), Talks,


12) Deficit

Meaning: The amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small.

Example: “An annual operating deficit”

Synonyms:Shortfall, Deficiency

Antonyms:Surplus, Profit


13) Nudges

Meaning: Prod (someone) gently with one’s elbow in order to attract attention.

Example: “People were nudging each other and pointing at me”

Synonyms:Poke, Elbow


14) Exert

Meaning: Make a physical or mental effort.

Example: “He needs to exert himself to try to find an answer”

Synonyms:Make an effort, Try hard


15) Patrolling

Meaning: Keep watch over (an area) by regularly walking or travelling around it.

Example: “The garrison had to patrol the streets to maintain order”

Synonyms:Keep guard (on), Guard


16) Red carpet

Meaning: Used in reference to privileged treatment of a distinguished visitor.

Example: “The group gets red-carpet treatment in most places”


17) Incumbent

Meaning: Necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.

Example: “The government realized that it was incumbent on them to act”

Synonyms:Binding, Obligatory