“Looking For A New Clarity”

The Supreme Court, this past month, provided us with a useful reminder about its worth to our constitutional democracy. Its intervention in the imbroglio over government formation in Karnataka was flawless. The hearings conducted in the early hours of the morning may have been theatrical, but the court’s ultimate decision certainly helped avert a subversion of the Constitution. Yet, much as its decision here deserves appreciation, we must be careful not to allow any ascription of credit to veil the deeper wounds that afflict it, for a litany of problems continues to strike at the court’s independence.

Three of these are especially salient. The first involves the rejection by the government of the collegium’srecommendation of K.M. Joseph, currently Chief Justice of the Uttarakhand High Court, for elevation to the Supreme Court. The second concerns the need for a systemic mechanism to deal with allegations of corruption in the higher judiciary. The third area of worry concerns the embroiled state of Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra, his position as the master of the roster, and the critical question of whether such powers ought to be vested in the hands of one individual.


1) Imbroglio

Meaning: An extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation.

Example: “The abdication imbroglio of 1936”

Synonyms: Complication, Problem

2) Flawless

Meaning: Without any imperfections or defects; perfect.

Example: “Her smooth flawless skin”

Synonyms: Perfect, Unblemished

Antonyms: Flawed

3) Avert

Meaning: Turn away (one’s eyes or thoughts).

Example: “She averted her eyes while we made stilted conversation”

Synonyms: Turn aside, Turn away

4) Ascription

Meaning: The attribution of something to a cause.

Example: “The ascription of effect to cause”

5) Veil

Meaning: A thing that conceals, disguises, or obscures something.

Example: “Shrouded in an eerie veil of mist”

Synonyms: Covering, Cover

6) Afflict

Meaning: (Of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to; affect adversely.

Example: “His younger child was afflicted with a skin disease”

Synonyms: Trouble, Bother

Antonyms: Comfort

7) Litany

Meaning: A tedious recital or repetitive series.

Example: “A litany of complaints”

Synonyms: Recital, Recitation

8) Collegium

Meaning: An organization for people who have similar interests or who do similar work, especially in a university.

Example: “No one wanted to miss the inaugural meeting of the Collegium of Black Women Philosophers at Vanderbilt University”

9) Allegations

Meaning: A claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof.

Example: “He made allegations of corruption against the administration”

Synonyms: Claim, Assertion

10) Embroiled

Meaning: Involve (someone) deeply in an argument, conflict, or difficult situation.

Example: “The organization is currently embroiled in running battles with pressure groups”

Synonyms: Involve, Entangle

11) Vested

Meaning: Give (someone) the legal right to power, property, etc.

Example: “The local planning authorities are vested with powers to regulate land use and development”