TOPIC OF THE DAY :-“The apprehensions”

On the face of it, it is difficult to fault the intent or the provisions of the draft legislation. Nonetheless, two aspects merit close scrutiny: the potential for abuse, and the underlying premise that a generic anti-lynching law could address India’s lynching problem. On the question of misuse, the provisions empowering local law enforcement officials to take preemptive action could easily be invoked to criminalise peaceful public assembly, especially if the gathering is of workers or members of marginalised communities agitating for their rights. For instance, the police could use this law to detain a group of labourers planning a dharna, on the grounds that they constitute a mob that poses a threat to company officials. To take another example, the ‘Review Committee’ that would monitor the prosecution of cases under this law is supposed to be headed by a senior police officer. Its findings would be submitted to a senior police officer. In a scenario where the police often serve as the handmaiden of the ruling dispensation, could we realistically expect one member of the police force to hold another accountable? Would it not have been prudent to mandate that the Review Committee make its report public or have members from civil society?



1) Enforcement

Meaning: The act of compelling observance of or compliance with a law, rule, or obligation.

Example: The strict enforcement of environmental regulations.

Synonyms: Imposition, Implementation

2) Pre-emptive

Meaning: Serving or intended to pre-empt or forestall something, especially to prevent attack by disabling the enemy.

Example: A pre-emptive strike.

3) Agitating

Meaning: Make (someone) troubled or nervous.

Example: The thought of questioning Toby agitated him extremely.

Synonyms: Upset, Perturb

Antonyms: Calm

4) Detain

Meaning: Keep (someone) from proceeding by holding them back or making claims on their attention.

Example: She made to open the door, but he detained her.

Synonyms: Hold up, Retard

5) Constitute

Meaning: Give legal or constitutional form to (an institution); establish by law; Combine to form (a whole).

Example: There were enough members present to constitute a quorum.

Synonyms: Amount to, Inaugurate and establish

6) Handmaiden

Meaning: Something, such as an idea, that helps and supports something else.

Example: Technique is the handmaiden of art.

Synonyms: Servants, Slaves

7) Dispensation

Meaning: Exemption from a rule or usual requirement.

Example: Although she was too young, she was given special dispensation to play before her birthday.

Synonyms: Exemption, Immunity

8) Prudent

Meaning: Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

Example: No prudent money manager would authorize a loan without first knowing its purpose.

Synonyms: Wise, Well judged

Antonyms: Unwise, Imprudent