From mythology –

All these are examples of pseudoscience that grow around superstitions. But there are apparently more serious aspects that have grown around our mythology. Did our Vedic forefathers possess a knowledge of science that was well beyond the level attained by modern science? While references in our Puranas to the Pushpak Viman, Vishwamitra’s counter heaven in mid air, and weapons such as the Brahmastra and Indra’s Shakti look persuasive, they do not have the details that would stand the test of scientific scrutiny. If such claims are to have standing, their supporters have to give us their technical details. For example, what was the basic mathematical principle that explains how a craft such as the Pushpak is lifted and which propelled it through air? And, if the Brahmastra was a nuclear device, which would indicate a knowledge of nuclear physics, why are there no references to the forces of electricity and magnetism, knowledge of which would be necessary to understanding nuclear physics? In today’s modern age, the facility of running tap water and electric lighting is considered the basic minimum for living and forms a part of the manifestos of all political parties. Yet, as the Mahabharata tells us, the Hastinapur palace of Duryodhana or the Indraprastha abode of the Pandavas did not possess this minimal facility.

Recently, there was a claim made in India that the Darwinian theory of evolution is incorrect and should not be taught in schools. In the field of science, the sole criterion for the survival of a theory is that it must explain all observed phenomena in its domain. For the present, Darwin’s theory is the best such theory but it is not perfect and leaves many questions unanswered. This is because the origin of life on earth is still unexplained by science. However, till there is a breakthrough on this, or some alternative idea gets scientific support, the Darwinian theory is the only one that should continue to be taught in schools. In the final analysis, scientific evidence is what should have the last say.



Meaning: A collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.

Example: “The new pseudoscience of ‘counselling’”


Meaning: A member of the past generations of one’s family or people; an ancestor.

Example: “The duchy which her forefathers had ruled since the tenth century”

Synonyms: Forebear, Ancestor

Antonyms: Descendant


Meaning: Good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation.

Example: “An informative and persuasive speech”

Synonyms: Convincing, Effective

Antonyms: Unconvincing, Weak


Meaning: Critical observation or examination.

Example: “Every aspect of local government was placed under scrutiny”

Synonyms: Inspection, Survey


Meaning: Spur or drive into a particular situation.

Example: “Fear propelled her out of her stillness”

Synonyms: Spur, Drive


Meaning:  A public declaration of policy and aims, especially one issued before an election by a political party or candidate.

Example: “He may fudge key issues in the Labour manifesto”

Synonyms: Policy statement, Platform, programme