TOPIC OF THE DAY:-“Calming Arunachal”

The polity must foster a civic consciousness to allow equality of opportunity for all residents

The Bharatiya Janata Party-led government in Itanagar has decided not to act on the recommendations of a Joint High Power Committee granting permanent resident certificates (PRCs) to non-Arunachal Pradesh Scheduled Tribes of Namsai and Changlang districts. This decision follows violence in Itanagar, which included arson attacks on the residence of the Deputy Chief Minister. The government took this step to de-escalate tensions despite the fact that both mainstream parties, the Congress and the BJP, were on the same page on the demand to grant the PRCs. The non-APSTs include the Deoris, SonowalKacharis, Morans, Mishings, Adivasis and ex-servicemen belonging to the Gorkha community. Successive governments and members of these communities have said PRCs are needed to avail of job and educational opportunities elsewhere in the country, and currently the 26 tribes and numerous sub-tribes who claim to be native to Arunachal Pradesh enjoy this privilege. Members of some of the non-APST communities have been long-time residents of the reconstituted State, and to term them as “outsiders” reflects a chauvinistic mindset that denies a just demand. Previous governments, including one led by the Congress in 2010, had also buckled under pressure on the issue. The indigenous tribes opposing the move say this is one step away from providing Scheduled Tribe status for the non-APSTs, which they vociferously oppose. While this fear is overblown, the award of PRCs could ensureland rights that are otherwise denied to the non-APSTs.

The fact that the opposition to the demand took such a violent turn could be linked to aretaliation to attempts by the members of the non-APSTs to enforce an “economic blockade” of the State from the neighbouring parts of Assam last month. But these incidents suggest thatbarely any northeastern State is today free of the pattern of ethnic discord marked by some communities being branded “outsiders” and sought to be denied resident privileges. These include the Chakma issue in Mizoram, the hill versus valley disturbances in Manipur, the longstanding “migration” issue in Assam, the attacks on Sikh residents in Meghalaya, and even the Chakma/Hajong citizenship issue in Arunachal Pradesh itself. The pattern through all these iseerily similar, with ethnic identities trumping civic consciousness in bringing about discord that has even escalated into violence in some cases. Arunachal Pradesh has otherwise remained a peaceful State, and it is incumbent on the government and the polity to foster a civic consciousness that allows equality of opportunity for all residents in the State. This is a difficult task as identity issues persist and fester when there is inadequate economic development – which is the real bane of the Northeast today.


1) escalate

Meaning : make or become more intense or serious(v).

Synonyms : expand

Antonyms : decline

Example : “the disturbance escalated into a full-scale riot”

2) despite

Meaning : contemptuous treatment or behaviour; outrage(n).

Synonyms : against

Antonyms : exalt

Example : “the despite done by him to the holy relics”

3) claim

Meaning : state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof(v).

Synonyms : allegation

Antonyms : reply

Example : “the Prime Minister claimed that he was concerned about Third World debt”

4) privilege

Meaning : a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group(n).

Synonyms : authorization

Antonyms : handicap

Example : “education is a right, not a privilege”

5) denies

Meaning : state that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of(v).

Synonyms : rebuff

Antonyms : accept

Example : “both firms deny any responsibility for the tragedy”

6) indigenous

Meaning : originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native(adj).

Synonyms : endemic

Antonyms : alien

Example : “the indigenous peoples of Siberia”

7) vociferously

Meaning : in a loud and forceful manner.

Synonyms : powerfully

Antonyms : inaudibly

Example : “the country vociferously opposed the war”

8) ensure

Meaning : make certain that (something) will occur or be the case(v).

Synonyms : assure

Antonyms : endanger

Example : “the client must ensure that accurate records are kept”

9) retaliation

Meaning : the action of returning a military attack; counter-attack(n).

Synonyms : reprisal

Antonyms : pardon

Example : “the bombings are believed to be in retaliation for the trial of 15 suspects”

10) enforce

Meaning : compel observance of or compliance with (a law, rule, or obligation).

Synonyms : implement

Antonyms : cease

Example : “the role of the police is to enforce the law”

11) barely

Meaning : only just; almost not(adv).

Synonyms : scarcely

Example : “she nodded, barely able to speak”

12) ethnic

Meaning : relating to a population subgroup (within a larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a common national or cultural tradition(adj).

Synonyms : traditional

Example : “ethnic and cultural rights and traditions”

13) discord

Meaning : disagreement between people.

Synonyms : disharmony

Antonyms : accord

Example : “a prosperous family who showed no signs of discord”

14) sought

Meaning : attempt or desire to obtain or achieve (something)(v).

Synonyms : desired

Example : “the new regime sought his extradition”

15) eerily

Meaning : in a strange and frightening manner(adv).

Synonyms : creepily

Antonyms : ordinarily

Example : “their footsteps echoed eerily”

16) incumbent

Meaning : necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility(adj).

Synonyms : binding

Antonyms : unnecessary

Example : “the government realized that it was incumbent on them to act”

17) persist

Meaning : continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition(v).

Synonyms : endure

Antonyms : cease

Example : “the minority of drivers who persist in drinking”

18) fester

Meaning : (of a wound or sore) become septic; suppurate(v).

Synonyms : aggravate

Antonyms : delight

Example : “I developed a tropical sore that festered badly”