Topic Of The Day:-“Science Should Have The Last Word”

A few years ago, I was at an international conference in Delhi which dealt with important issues arising from changes brought about by the rapid progress of science and technology. As the meeting progressed, with international experts highlighting the action needed in various fields, I began to feel uncomfortable, much like a diner at a sumptuous buffet searching desperately for that missing ingredient — a pinch of salt. The subject I wanted to hear about but which was being glossed over by the speakers was “scientific temper”. Ultimately, it was left to me to make a case for it, not only for the scientists but also for the common citizen, whatever his or her occupation.

What is scientific temper? Let me cite a quote from Jawaharlal Nehru’s book, The Discovery of India: “The impact of science and the modern world have brought a greater appreciation of facts, a more critical faculty, a weighing of evidence, a refusal to accept tradition just because it is tradition…”

He then went on to say: “But even today, it is strange, how we suddenly become overwhelmed by tradition, and the critical faculties of even intelligent men cease to function…” Nehru concludes with the hope that, “Only when we are politically and economically free, will the mind function normally and critically.”



1) Sumptuous

Meaning: Splendid and expensive-looking.

Example: “The banquet was a sumptuous, luxurious meal”

Synonyms: Lavish, Luxurious

Antonyms: Humble, Plain, Cheap

2) Desperately

Meaning: Used to emphasize the extreme degree of something.

Example: “He desperately needed a drink”

Synonyms: Seriously, Gravely

Antonyms: Slightly

3) A pinch of salt

Meaning: To not completely believe something that you are told, because you think it is unlikely to be true:

Example:  You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt, because she tends to exaggerate.

4) Glossed

Meaning: Try to conceal or disguise (something unfavourable) by treating it briefly or representing it misleadingly.

Example: “The social costs of this growth are glossed over”

Synonyms: Conceal, Cover up

Antonyms: Disclose, Exaggerate

5) Temper

Meaning: A tendency to become angry easily.

Example: “I know my temper gets the better of me at times”

Synonyms: Anger, Fury

Antonyms: Good humour

6) Overwhelmed

Meaning: Have a strong emotional effect on.

Example: “I was overwhelmed with guilt”

Synonyms: Overcome, Move