Topic Of The Day:-“Questionable assumptions”

Genetic discrimination (GD) is understood to be differential treatment of those not showing symptoms but who are nevertheless treated differently on the basis of any real or assumed genetic characteristics. We must recognise that GD is nothing new. There were robust policies of eugenics in the U.S. in the 1900s. These led to laws in many States that made sterilisation compulsory for those who expressed a range of conditions believed to be inherited. Such conditions covered those with disability, who were poor, had mental health problems, were promiscuous, were dwarfs, and so on. Eugenics was also practiced in many countries in Europe, not just in Nazi Germany. Nordic countries, for example, passed eugenics laws in the 1930s and some of those stayed in the books until the 1970s.

With newer and cheaper methods to sequence entire genomes, the era of expanded genetic testing is already upon us, although not everyone may associate it with eugenics. Whether specific genetic tests themselves are scientifically valid, whether they add value to those tested, and whether they should be generalised for populations or communities raise a separate but linked set of issues that I will not cover in this article. Rather, I will stay focussed on the issues of insurance and employment when there is family history of disease, the potential complications of genetic tests and their implications.


1) Discrimination

Meaning: The ability to judge what is of high quality; good judgement or taste.

Example: “Those who could afford to buy showed little taste or discrimination”

Synonyms: Discernment, Judgement

2) Perceived

Meaning: Become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.

Example: “His mouth fell open as he perceived the truth”

Synonyms: Discern, Recognize

3) Heritage

Meaning: Property that is or may be inherited; an inheritance.

Example: “They had stolen his grandfather’s heritage”

Synonyms: Inheritance, Birthright

4) Imperative

Meaning: Of vital importance; crucial.

Example: “Immediate action was imperative”

Synonyms: Vitally important, Of vital importance

Antonyms: Unimportant, Optional

5) Eugenics

Meaning: The science of improving a population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics.

6) Sterilisation

Meaning: The process of making something free from bacteria or other living microorganisms.

Example: “Disinfection and sterilization of surgical equipment”

7) Promiscuous

Meaning: Demonstrating or implying an unselective approach; indiscriminate or casual.

Example: “The city fathers were promiscuous with their honours”

Synonyms: Indiscriminate, Undiscriminating

Antonyms: Careful, Selective

8) Dwarfs

Meaning: Cause to seem small or insignificant in comparison.

Example: “The buildings surround and dwarf All Saints church”

Synonyms: Dominate, Tower above