Topic Of The Day:-“Give And Take: On The Rbi

Board Meeting”


The Centre and the RBI did well at the board meeting to address each other’s concerns

After the heat and dust of the last one month, the board meeting of the Reserve Bank of India on Monday turned out to be muted and professional, as it should have been. Any summary and precipitate action by the Centre to have its way would have created more problems than it solved, apart from it not going down well with the markets. The decisions taken by the board address the concerns of both the Centre and the central bank, though on balance it appears that the RBI carried the day. Two of the biggest concerns of the Centre where it was expecting an immediate resolution — relaxation of the Prompt Corrective Action framework on 11 public sector banks and provision of liquidity for non-banking financial companies — will be addressed at a future date. The first one has been referred to a department of the RBI for examination, while no decision seems to have been taken on the second. In addition, the Centre’s attempt to tap the RBI’s rich reserves has also been staved off for now, with the matter left to be decided by a committee set up exclusively for the purpose. This is as it should be. Given that the membership and terms of reference of the committee will be jointly decided by the Centre and the RBI, there is little scope for either side to complain of bias. The RBI has been transferring all of its surpluses to the Centre in the last five years based on the recommendations of an earlier committee led by Y.H. Malegam. Given this, it is unclearwhat more the new committee can possibly recommend on future surpluses, unless of course it is allowed to go into sharing of the reserves that now exist on the RBI’s balance sheet.

The central bank partially yielded to the Centre on two other issues — the Basel capital framework for banks and easing credit flow to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The RBI didn’t concede the demand for alignment of the capital norms to Basel (they are higher now), but by pushing back the deadline by a year for increasing the capital buffer, it has freed up funds for banks to lend. Again, by permitting debt recast for MSME borrowers of up to ₹25 crore, the RBI has attempted to address their credit concerns, which was one of the major demands of the Centre. Clearly, there was enough give-and-take in the meeting that left both sides with the feeling that they had gained something. At Monday’s meeting the board turned hands-on probably for the first time in recent memory, from being just an advisory body. That the meeting went on for over nine hours clearly indicates that there was an intense exchange of views, which is not a bad thing at all. Differences between the Centre and the central bank must be thrashed out in such a setting, rather than in the media or in public speeches.



1) Precipitate

Meaning: Cause (an event or situation, typically one that is undesirable) to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely.

Synonyms: Provoke, Cause, Accelerate, Hasten

Antonyms: Block, Check, Halt

Example: “The incident precipitated a political crisis”


2) Concerns

Meaning: Make (someone) anxious or worried.

Synonyms: Worry, Disturb, Trouble, Bother

Antonyms: Entertainment, Fun, Disinterest

Example: “The roof of the barn concerns me because eventually, it will fall in”


3) Resolution

Meaning: A firm decision to do or not to do something.

Synonyms: Intention, resolve, decision, intent

Antonyms: Apathy, Cowardice, Fear

Example: “She kept her resolution not to see Anne anymore”


4) Prompt

Meaning: Done without delay; immediate.

Synonyms: quick, swift, rapid, speedy, fast

Antonyms: Delayed, Slow, Late

Example: “She would have died but for the prompt action of two ambulancemen”


5) Provision

Meaning: The action of providing or supplying something for use.

Synonyms: Supply, providing, purveying

Antonyms: Removal, Taking

Example: “New contracts for the provision of services”


6) Staved Off

Meaning: to ward off (something adverse)

Synonyms: Avert, Forestall, Head Off

Example: The quartermaster staved off a shortage by requisitioning more than enough supplies


7) Scope

Meaning: The extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant.

Synonyms: extent, range, breadth

Antonyms: Extreme, Imprisonment, Limitation

Example: “We widened the scope of our investigation”


8) Bias

Meaning: Inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair.

Synonyms: Prejudice, Partiality, Partisanship

Antonyms: Tolerance, Antipathy, Justice

Example: “There was evidence of bias against black applicants”


9) Surpluses

Meaning: An amount of something left over when requirements have been met; an excess of production or supply.

Synonyms: Excess, surfeit, overabundance

Antonyms: Essential, Lacking, Necessary

Example: “Exports of food surpluses”


10) Unclear

Meaning: Having or feeling doubt or confusion.

Synonyms: Uncertain, Unsure, Doubtful

Antonyms: Definite, Explicit, Clear

Example: “Users are still unclear about what middleware does”


11) Yielded

Meaning: Give way to arguments, demands, or pressure.

Synonyms: Surrender, capitulate, submit

Antonyms: Deny, Hold, Lose

Example: “The Western powers now yielded when they should have resisted”


12) Easing

Meaning: Make (something unpleasant or intense) less serious or severe.

Synonyms: Relieve, Alleviate, Mitigate

Antonyms: Agitate, Excite, Extend

Example: “A huge road-building programme to ease congestion”


13) Concede

Meaning: Admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it.

Synonyms: Admit, acknowledge, accept

Antonyms: Defend, Dispute, Fight

Example: “I had to concede that I’d overreacted”


14) Freed

Meaning: Remove something undesirable or restrictive from.

Synonyms: Exempt, make exempt, except

Antonyms: Discharged, Released, Free

Example: “His Inheritance freed him from financial constraints”


15) Recast

Meaning: Reshaping it

Synonyms: Copied, Duplicated, Imitated

Example: “In 1919, the bells were recast”


16) Advisory

Meaning: Having or consisting in the power to make recommendations but not to take action enforcing them.

Synonyms: Consultative, consulting, advising

Example: “The Commission acts in an advisory capacity”


17) Intense

Meaning: Of extreme force, degree, or strength.

Synonyms: Great, acute, enormous, fierce

Antonyms: Gentle, Ignorant, Mild

Example: “The job demands intense concentration”


18) Thrashed

Meaning: Beat (a person or animal) repeatedly and violently with a stick or whip.

Synonyms:  Hit, Beat, Flog, Whip

Antonyms: Surrender, Bear, Lose

Example: “She thrashed him across the head and shoulders”