Topic of the day:-“Journal publication”

The bone of contention is the basis on which the regulator identifies ‘recognised’ journals, publication in which alone earns credit for faculty. Having drawn up such a list a couple of years ago, the Commission appears to have now backtracked. Possibly stung by the claim that an astonishingly high percentage of the journals on its original list are of dubious distinction — the term for which is ‘predatory’ in that they either solicit articles to be published for a fee or follow no clear refereeing procedure — the UGC has suddenly trimmed the list. This has led to questions of the criterion that has been used.While predatory journals are not a uniquely Indian problem, the problem appears to be more grave here, and has possibly been aggravated by the UGC’s policy of soliciting recommendations for inclusion of journals in its approved list. The whole process has led to a severe diminishing of credibility for one of the most crucial regulators of the country.To believe that the problem of dubious journals on the UGC’s whitelist is the sole issue awaiting resolution in the university would be naive. This is actually quite recent and just another manifestation of the unaccountable regulation that has had a vandalising effect on the higher education space in the country. A small set of actionable points, not every one of them the responsibility of the UGC, would be as follows.


1) Elite

Meaning: A select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society.

Example: “The elite of Britain’s armed forces”

Synonyms: Best, Pick

Antonyms: Dregs

2) Aflutter

Meaning: In a state of tremulous excitement.

Example: “He has the physique that could send a thousand female hearts aflutter”

3) Appetite

Meaning: A strong desire or liking for something.

Example: “Her appetite for life”

Synonyms: Craving, Longing

Antonyms: Aversion

4) Anthropological

Meaning: Relating to the study of humankind.

Example: “An anthropological expedition to Borneo”

5) Struck off

Meaning: To remove a doctor, lawyer, etc. from an official list so that they are no longer allowed to work in that job, usually because they have done something dishonest or illegal.

Example: “Be struck off Company directors can be struck off if they are caught employing illegal workers”

6) Swampy

Meaning: Characteristic of or resembling a swamp.

Example: “A swampy area”

Synonyms: Marshy, Boggy

Antonyms: Firm, Dry

7) Surmount

Meaning: Overcome (a difficulty or obstacle).

Example: “All manner of cultural differences were surmounted”

Synonyms: Overcome, Conquer

Antonyms: Be beaten by

8) Abetment

Meaning: The act of helping or encouraging someone to do something wrong or illegal.

Example: “Such acts will be treated as abetment to fraud”

9) Churn out

Meaning: To produce something automatically, without much thought, and in large amounts.

Example: “Hollywood studios have been churning out some very bad movies over the past several years”

10) Vitality

Meaning: The state of being strong and active; energy.

Example: “Changes that will give renewed vitality to our democracy”

Synonyms: Liveliness, Life

11) Laureate

Meaning: A person who is honoured with an award for outstanding creative or intellectual achievement.

Example: “A Nobel laureate”

12) Intended

Meaning: Planned or meant.

Example: “The intended victim escaped”

Synonyms: Deliberate, Calculated

Antonyms: Accidental

13) Sheer

Meaning: Used to emphasize how very great, important, or powerful a quality or feeling is; nothing except.

Example: “It was sheer coincidence that we met”

14) Resentment

Meaning: Bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.

Example: “His resentment at being demoted”

Synonyms: Bitterness, Indignation

Antonyms: Contentment, Happiness

15) Contention

Meaning: An assertion, especially one maintained in argument.

Example: “Freud’s contention that all dreams were wish fulfilment”

Synonyms: Argument, Calin

16) Drawn up

Meaning: To prepare something in writing, especially a plan or formal document.

Example: “First, draw up a business plan outlining what you’re going to do”

17) Backtracked

Meaning: Reverse one’s previous position or opinion.

Example: “The unions have had to backtrack on their demands”

18) Claim

Meaning: State or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.

Example: “The Prime Minister claimed that he was concerned about Third World debt”

Synonyms: Assert, Declare

19) Astonishingly

Meaning: Extremely surprisingly or impressively.

Example: “This recording is, if anything, even more astonishingly played”

20) Dubious

Meaning: Hesitating or doubting.

Example: “I was rather dubious about the whole idea”

Synonyms: Doubtful, Uncertain

Antonyms: Certain, Definite