Topic Of The Day:-“Sharing, And Not Caring: On The Sp, Bsp Tie Up”

The SP-BSP Tie-Up Poses A Challenge To The BJP, But Does Little For Pre-Poll Opposition Unity

Sometimes, it is impossible to make new friends without making new enemies. In reaching an early agreement on seat-sharing in Uttar Pradesh for this year’s Lok Sabha election, the Samajwadi Party and the Bahujan Samaj Party have thrown a serious challenge to the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party in a State that could well determine which political formation forms the next Central government. In the process, however, they may have alienated the Congress, which, given its pan-Indian footprint, can be the only national-level force in an emerging anti-BJP coalition. The two biggest parties in U.P.’s opposition space have equally carved out 76 of the 80 seats between themselves, leaving four to the Congress and the Rashtriya Lok Dal, which has a support base in the western region of the State. Whether the seat sharing is final or just a bargaining tactic is difficult to say. But for now, the Congress has been pushed into a forlorn corner in India’s most populous State. The party may have to strike out on its own in sheer desperation at beingdenied a reasonable number of seats. It is doubtful, or at least by no means certain, whether it will be content with contesting in only a few seats to prevent split in the anti-BJP vote in the others. It will be difficult for a party in revival mode in other parts of the Hindi heartland to give up U.P. without putting up a serious fight. As for the SP and BSP, it will be odd for them to be locked in a fight with the Congress in the State, while pushing for a Congress-led alternative at the national level.The Congress does enjoy additional support in a Lok Sabha election; it demonstrated this in 2009, winning a surprise 21 seats in U.P. However, the SP and the BSP have probably calculated they are in a good space following the BJP’s poor showing in three Lok Sabha by-polls, one of them in Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s political backyard, Gorakhpur. They may well also be banking on the history of strategic voting in the State, which leaves little room for a third player. For all the talk of beating back the challenge of the BJP, regional parties know it is easier to do business with a weakened Congress than with a resurgent one. If the Congress is kept out of the alliance, then any alternative to the BJP will have to emerge from a post-poll coalition of disparate parties. This will hand a campaign point for Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is already projecting the choice in 2019 as that between a strong government and a motley post-poll coalition united by no more than a shared aversion for the BJP. The strategy of the SP and the BSP and some other regional players to defeat the BJP without making the Congress win is high-risk, and tactically difficult to implement on the ground.


1) determine

Meaning : cause (something) to occur in a particular way or to have a particular nature(v)

Synonyms : complete

Antonyms : bear

Example : “it will be her mental attitude that determines her future”

2) alienated

Meaning : experiencing or inducing feelings of isolation or estrangement(adj).

Synonyms : alone

Antonyms : united

Example : “an alienated, angst-ridden twenty-two-year-old”

3) coalition

Meaning : a temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties forming a government(n).

Synonyms : affiliation

Antonyms : detachment

Example : “a coalition between Liberals and Conservatives”

4) carved

Meaning : (of a hard material) cut or engraved to produce an object, design, or inscription.

Synonyms : engraved

Antonyms : concatenation

Example : “bookcases of carved oak”

5) forlorn

Meaning : pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely.:

Synonyms : depressed

Antonyms : elated

Example : “forlorn figures at bus stops”

6) tactic

Meaning : an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end.

Synonyms : gambit

Antonyms : chance

Example : “the minority attempted to control the Council by a delaying tactic”

7) prevent

Meaning : keep (something) from happening.

Synonyms : avoid

Antonyms : advance

Example : “action must be taken to prevent further accidents”

8) revival

Meaning : an improvement in the condition, strength, or fortunes of someone or something.

Synonyms : recovery

Antonyms : destruction

Example : “a revival in the fortunes of the party”

9) probably

Meaning : almost certainly; as far as one knows or can tell.

Synonyms : possibly

Antonyms : uncertain

Example : “she would probably never see him again”

10) emerge

Meaning : move out of or away from something and become visible.

Synonyms : appear

Antonyms : abandon

Example : “black ravens emerged from the fog”

11) resurgent

Meaning : increasing or reviving after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence.

Synonyms : renascent

Antonyms : dormant

Example : “resurgent nationalism”

12) disparate

Meaning : essentially different in kind; not able to be compared.

Synonyms : contrasting

Antonyms : agreeing

Example : “they inhabit disparate worlds of thought”

13) aversion

Meaning : a strong dislike or disinclination.

Synonyms : allergy

Antonyms : like

Example : “they made plain their aversion to the use of force”

14) implement

Meaning : a tool, utensil, or other piece of equipment that is used for a particular purpose.

Synonyms : utensil

Antonyms : exempt

Example : “garden implements”