Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveils several development projects costing more than 1.50 billion rupees in Balangir, Odisha



1.Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveils several development projects costing more than 1.50 billion rupees in Balangir, Odisha:-Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated many development projects costing more than one and a half crore rupees related to education , culture , tourism and connectivity in Balangir in Odisha . On this occasion, he said that I have come among you to develop Odisha for Eastern India’s development. Even half 15 has inaugurated projects worth more than Rs one billion. These projects are related to education , are linked to connectivity , are linked to culture and tourism, and I was glad that the foundation stone of the permanent building of the Union School Sonepur is.

The Prime Minister dedicates the electrification projects of the total 813 kms of Jharsuguda-Vijayanagram and Sambalpur-Angul rail lines costing Rs. 1000 crores to the nation. He also inaugurated the work of repeating Barpali-Dumriipali and Balangir-Devgaon rail lines.The Prime Minister also inaugurated the 15- km Balangir-Bichupali rail line at a cost of Rs 115 crores . On this occasion, he said that the new train on this route between Balanchir and Bichupli has started from today. This will not only save you time , but also save money. The railway line that has been inaugurated today is expanding to Khorda , then this area will be added to Howrah-Chennai. Cities like Delhi and Mumbai will also reduce the distance of Bhubaneswar and Puri.The Prime Minister also dedicated the multi-modal logistic park in Jharsuguda to the nation. This park will promote the transport of commodities in the context of domestic and global trade and will make Jharsuguda the center of transport.The Prime Minister inaugurated the road bridge between the Turuvli and Singapore road. The Prime Minister also inaugurated the passport service centers in Jagatsinghpur , Kendrapara , Puri , Phulwani , Bargarh and Balangir.He also inaugurated the permanent building of Kendriya Vidyalaya in Sonpur and the restoration and maintenance of Neelmadhav and Siddheshwar in the Buddhist district.

Later addressing a public meeting, the Prime Minister said that the projects that have been started today will not only promote development in Odisha but throughout East India. He said that the opposition has no information about the natural resources of the country and also opposed the establishment of the statue of Sardar Patel. The junkie of the Statue of Unity, which was blown away , has established Sardar Patel’s height , today he has become one of the important tourist centers in the country. Because of the tallest statue in the world who are around people , are they getting the opportunity to employ. This is the strength of tourism. India has many possibilities of heritage tourism , and we are also doing it in Odisha in the new expansion.The Prime Minister has said that the government has taken five steps for overall development of the country. He said that these measures are children’s education , employment for youth , medicine for the elderly , public hearing for irrigation and public for farmers. Prime Minister Modi said that there has been a recent step taken in the education and jobs for the financially backward sections of the society and for the 10 percent reservation.

2.Two-day global aviation summit in Mumbai:-

The Global Aviation Summit 2019 will start in Mumbai. Union Civil Aviation Minister Suresh Prabhu will inaugurate this two-day conference. More than 86 countries will participate in this event of its kind in the world .The title of the Global Aviation Summit – air travel facility to all and especially to six billion people. At the summit, issues related to the new technology in the aviation sector will be discussed and in the coming days, discussions on how to make the air travel more accessible will be discussed.

3.Ten percent of the reservation of jobs and educational institutions in economically weaker sections of general category apply:-The Act to provide ten percent reservation in government jobs and educational institutions to economically weaker sections of general category came into force. The Government had notified the date of January 14 to implement the 103rd Constitution Amendment Act 2019 .

President Ramnath Kovind sanctioned the act last Saturday. This Act allows special provisions for the upliftment of the economically weaker sections of the general category by amending section 15 and 16 of the Constitution

4.Government launches two ‘National DD Science’ and ‘India Science’ in the field of Science Communication:- The Department of Science and Technology (DST), in collaboration with Doordarshan (DD), Prasar Bharati, today introduced two initiatives like ‘DD Science’ and ‘India Science’ in the field of science communication in New Delhi. DD Science is actually an hourly slot on Doordarshan News Channel, which will be transmitted from Monday to Saturday between 05:00 pm and 06:00 hrs. India Science is an internet based channel, which is available on any internet based device and will provide live video on demand.Dr. Harshavardhana, the Union Minister for Science and Technology, said that it is a historic moment in the field of not only science and technology but also in the field of scientific thinking of our society. Recalling the important role played by the Indian Public Broadcasting Service Doordarshan in the nineties, in the pulse polio campaign, Dr. Harsh Vardhan said that the vision of increasing the popularity of science to ensure the access of more than 92 percent of India’s population Will prove to be a very effective medium. Dr. Harshvardhan hopes that in the near future, the ‘DD Science Channel’ will start in the country round the clock. Dr. Harshvardhan said,On the occasion of signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Opening Program and Science Broadcasting and Doordarshan, Secretary Professor in the Department of Science and Technology. Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary, Information and Broadcasting, Shri Amit Khare, Director General of Doordarshan, Ms. Supriya Sahu, Prasar Bharti CEO Shri Shashi Shekhar Vempati, Director of Science Progress Dr Nakul Parashar and senior officials of Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting also attended Were. Two platforms related to science communication are in the form of national initiatives to promote science and bring it closer to everyday life. The purpose of the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Doordarshan is to increase their significance in the country and to take science further in the service of humanity. The Department of Science and Technology (DST) has provided considerable support in visualizing these channels as well as converting them. Their implementation and management science is being done by the spread, which is an autonomous organization of DST. These two science channels, considered to be milestones in the history of science communication in India, are the initial steps towards the launch of a national science channel in the country. Where is India Science ( Has already recorded its presence in twenty-four hours, on the other hand DD Science can also be transformed into a full channel in the future.Through these two channels, science-based documentaries, studio-based discussions and virtual rehearsals of scientific institutions, interviews and short films will be focused. It will be completely free for the viewers.

5.Election Commission launches ‘Voter Helpline’ mobile app:-Election Commission has launched ‘Voter Helpline’ mobile application in view of the convenience of voters before the upcoming election. It can be downloaded from Playstore. Through this app, voters can use the Election Commission’s website, sweep, NVSP, voter’s search and NGSP (complaint portal) from one place.

Voter Search Option The
Commission has made available the option of voter search to facilitate voters on their website. Voters can search their details through this. Prior to the Lok Sabha elections, the commission is going to launch special applications for Divya Voters. In this, Divya Voters will be able to apply such basic amenities like Divya registration, transfer of voter list including wheelchair application.

According to the commission’s official release of voter list revision, the work of revising electoral rolls in the states is going on till 25th January. At booth level, voter list revision is being done by booth level officers (BLO). Apart from this, the voters can apply for the inclusion of their names in the electoral roll through the Election Commission’s website. Voters can view their name on this website. They can also know their number and simple numbers in the electoral roll. According to the application commission of improving information , the online medium is more easy, reliable and error-free. The voter does not even need to go out somewhere. With the addition of name, the voter can apply for changes in the assembly constituency, change of booth in single assembly constituency and improvement in information given in the voters list.

Form no. 6 for renaming of name in website and form no. 7 for removal of name, Form no. 8 for any other improvement in voter list and form for change in polling station in single assembly area. Number-8 can be filled.



6.Best wishes to India for playing a very important role in the United Nations Multilateral System:-Giving India a very important role in the United Nations Multilateral System, United Nations General Assembly Chairman Maria Fernanda Espinoza has said that India is playing a leading role in areas such as climate work planning and poverty alleviation. In an interview with a news agency, Ms Espinoza emphasized that keeping in mind the vast population of India, steps taken by them on issues such as climate change and poverty alleviation are of great importance. He also said that India has an important role in dealing with terrorism. Ms Espinoza has also expressed the desire to work with India in the capacity of President of the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly.



7.Gold in the weightlifting of Akshata, daughter of farmer:-Karnataka’s Akshya earner won gold medal in weightlifting 71 kg Under-21 age group in India Youth Games.

The daughter of a farmer, weighed 73 kg in snatch and failed to raise 76 kg twice. His opponent Lavaniya Rai (79) and P. H. Roshan of Arunachal Pradesh raised the weight of 77 kg.

After this, the earning in clean and jerk raised 100 kg and 103 kg but could not raise 107 kg in the next two attempts.

The earner won a gold medal with a total weight of 176 kg while Rai took the weight of 174 kg to the second and the lights remained at third place.

8.The first Eklavya ideal residential school sports event, launched in Hyderabad in the year 2019:-The first Eklavya ideal residential school sports competition , launched in Hyderabad in the year 2019 . On the occasion of this national level event organized by the Minister of State for Tribal Welfare, J.S. Bhabhra said that the Central Government is planning to set up more than four hundred Eklavya ideal residential schools by 2022 . Like the Navodaya Vidyalayas, Eklavya is taking necessary measures to develop an ideal residential school. In these schools, the overall development of tribal students will be taken care of.Students from all over the country are participating in these sports events organized for the first time in the country.

9.First EMRS National Games Competition in Hyderabad, Starting 2019:- Tribal Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh Sumnbai Babhor yesterday Hyderabad GMC Balayogi Stadium , in Gachibowli ‘ Sposrts meat first Eklavya Model Residential Schools (Imars) -2019 ‘ was inaugurated. Tribal Welfare Secretary of the Telangana Government Benhar Dutt Ekka, Tribal Welfare Commissioner of the Telangana Government Dr. Kristina Jed Chongthu, Secretary of Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Education Institute, Hyderabad, Dr. R.S.Praveen Kumar IPS, President of Sports Authority of Telangana, Shri A Venkateswara Reddy and senior officials of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India were present. In his inaugural address, Shri Bhabhra expressed the resolve of the Government of India and Tribal Ministry to ensure the upliftment of tribal population. This resolution is expressed in the funds allocated to the ministry and for Central Ministries (Scheduled Tribes component preceding Tribal Sub-Plan). He said that the government has decided to set up 462 Eklavya Model Schools by 2022. Ideal residential schools will be established by 2022 in each block of 50% and above and 20,000 or more persons.In the inaugural ceremony, representatives from all the states passed the marches and after this cultural events were presented by the students of different tribal welfare residential schools of Telangana. Mr. Bhabhra also launched the ‘ EMRS Sportsmate ‘ App on this occasion . In this sports competition, 1777 students from 20 states in the country are participating in these 975 boys and 802 girls. The tournament, which ran till January 16, 2019, will be competing in 13 different categories including hockey, wrestling, football, archery, volleyball, kabaddi, handball, lost-lost and athletics. .The event will be concluded on 16th January by the Union Minister of Tribal Affairs, Mr. Jyal Oram. On this occasion, the Minister of State for Tribal Affairs Shri Sureshad Bhagat and the Secretary of Tribal Affairs, Shri Deepak Khandekar will also be present.

Eklavya Ideal Residential School (EMRS) is a pioneering scheme of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India, which was implemented in 1997-1998 with the objective of ensuring quality affluence in remote tribal areas for tribal students.



10.China’s Space Agency started growing on the moon cotton, such plants being grown:China’s Chang E4 spacecraft, which descends to the unseen part of the moon, has successfully started growing the plants there. The cotton seed can be seen sprouting in the picture released by the China Space Agency (CNSA) on Tuesday. This is the first time that organic material has been cultivated on the surface of the Moon. Other organic materials of the Chang E-4 mission include cotton, oilseeds, potatoes, Arabidopsis, yeast and fruits. The Chinese Space Agency claims that more plants will grow in the next 100 days. These plants are being studied in a specially designed biosphere.

No new farming in space
Before this, astronauts have cultivated plants on the International Space Station (ISS). Rice and arbidopsis were also grown on China’s Tiangong-2 space lab.

Campaign On
December 7, 2018, China launched its first E-4 Lunar spacecraft under its first biological research mission. On January 4, 2019, this Yan achieved a global success by successfully landing on the 4th of January in the unseen part of the Moon.

Big success
scientists have said that after experimenting in the harsh conditions on the Moon, humankind has first germinated the plant, which makes the biological development experiment on the first moon of human beings. By looking at the picture sent from Earth to the space available in space, it shows that the cotton seed has sprouted well. The rest of the plants are like the seeds.

The seeds of these plants are planted in the container of spherical tin. The three kilo-weight and seven-inch-long containers are designed by experts from Chongqing University in southwest China. It is equipped with insulating layers and a mini air-conditioning system. The 0.8-liter container is made from a specially developed aluminum composite metal.

Along with the seeds, it includes tools like water, soil, a nutrient solution, air, a small camera and data transmission system. A tube is inserted in it for the rays of Sun, which plays a significant role in the growth of plants. Through which the sun’s rays can penetrate it.