Anushka Quiz 654 Anushka_Academy - February 11, 2019 0 Welcome to your Anushka Quiz 654 Welcome to your Quiz Rules: • The quiz is meant for the students of Competitive Examination. • The online Quiz shall comprise of the following subjects: Verbal Ability Logical Reasoning Quantitative Ability General Awareness • The Gift Hampers, Cash Prices and Scholarship Vouchers have to be collected from Anushka Academy, Subhash Nagar, Udaipur Centre. • Students are requested to carry their ID cards for the collection of Gift Hampers/Cash Prices/Scholarship vouchers. • The questions are in the form of multiple choices. • Each correct answer will carry +1 marks. • The decision of the Jury will be final and will not be subjected to any change. • The students will not be allowed to carry any books or mobiles for the online round. • The online quiz shall renew at 04.00 pm daily. • The total time for the online quiz will be 2 minutes for 5 questions. • You have to hit the ‘submit’ button at the end of the quiz. • No changes can be made after hitting the ‘submit’ button. • In any case, after 2 minutes, the quiz will be automatically submitted. • No second chance will be given to any student. • The participants are eligible for Mega-Scholarships only if they participate the online quiz. • The speed of internet and/or failure of electricity / electronic equipment at the participant’s end will not be considered as an excuse for not being able to attend the quiz. • In a case of any dispute or difficulty arising out of or during the course of the competition, the organizing committee shall have the sole and absolute authority to remove such difficulty and resolve the dispute. • Daily top 2 winners will get gift hampers and scholarships up to Rs. 5000 (Only courses of Anushka Academy) each. • Note – if you are participating in this quiz it is understood that you agree to all the terms and conditions of this quiz. You must enter same name and email id both the times, else it will not be considered as a valid quiz attempt. Email Phone Number 1. हाल ही में किस राजनेता ने बाढ़ में लोगों को बचाने वाले केरल के मछुआरों को शांति का नोबेल पुरस्कार दिए जाने की सिफारिश की है? a. नरेंद्र मोदी b. अरुण जेटली c. राहुल गांधी d. शशि थरूर None 2. गवर्नर शक्तिकांत दास के कार्यकाल की पहली मौद्रिक नीति समीक्षा में आरबीआई ने ब्याज दरों में कितना प्रतिशत की कटौती की है? a. 0.15% b. 0.20% c. 0.25% d. 0.30% None 3. निम्नलिखित में से किस टीम ने वर्ष 2019 का रणजी ट्रॉफी खिताब जीता है? a. सौराष्ट्र b. रेलवे c. मुंबई d. विदर्भ None 4. हाल ही में किस राज्य सरकार ने महिलाओं का वर्जिनिटी टेस्ट कराने को अपराध घोषित करने के प्रस्ताव को मंजूरी दी है? a. दिल्ली सरकार b. महाराष्ट्र सरकार c. गुजरात सरकार d. असम सरकार None 5. निम्नलिखित में से किसे हाल ही में नागरिक उड्डयन सचिव नियुक्त किया गया है? a. प्रदीप सिंह खरोला b. संजीव बरार c. अमृतपाल सिंह d. देवेन्द्र लखोटिया None Time's upTime is Up!