Sample Interview Questions for Student Employment



  1. Tell me/us about yourself.
  2. Give an overview of your previous work experience.
  3. What qualifications do you possess that will make you successful in this position?
  4. What made you decide to choose your particular field of study?
  5. What courses have you liked best? Least? For what reasons?
  6. Describe your ideal supervisor.
  7. What interests you about our office and the services we provide?
  8. What challenges might you face in this position?
  9. Why should our office hire you? 10. What do you know about this department/office?


  1. Tell me about a time you were given a task to complete but you did not have the tools necessary to complete the task. What did you do?
  2. Not all parts of a job are fun or challenging. What tasks fall into this category for you and how do you motivate yourself to complete these tasks?

Character Traits/Personality

  1. If I asked your friends to describe you, what would they say?

2.Tell me about a time you made a mistake on the job. How did you remedy it?

  1. What motivates you to do a good job?
  2. What have you done that shows initiative and willingness to work?
  3. 5. How would you describe your work style? Do you prefer to work alone or in team?

Customer Service Questions

  1. How do you know when you have truly met a customer’s needs?
  2. What does great customer service mean to you?
  3. A student approaches your desk, the phone is ringing, and your boss is calling you into his/her office. What do you do first, and why?
  4. How would you handle an upset customer?
  5. Discuss a situation during the past year in which you had to deal with an angry or upset customer, coworker, or classmate. How did you handle this situation?
  6. Describe a time on any job that you’ve held in which you were faced with problems or stresses which tested your coping skills.