1.Who is the newly elected President of Myanmar?
[A] Win Myint
[B] Htin Kyaw
[C] Myint Swe
[D] Henry Van Thio
Correct Answer: A [Win Myint]
2.ISRO has successfully launched GSAT-6A satellite from which rocket vehicle?
[A] GSLV-F07
[B] GSLV-F09
[C] GSLV-F05
[D] GSLV-F08
Correct Answer: D [GSLV-F08]
3.The 114th meeting of the Permanent Indus Commission (PIC)between India and Pakistan has started in which city?
[A] Islamabad
[B] New Delhi
[C] Karachi
[D] Shimla
Correct Answer: B [New Delhi]
4.What is the theme of the 2018 International Day of Forests?
[A] Forests and Water
[B] Forests and Energy
[C] Forests and Sustainable Cities
[D] Forests and Life
Correct Answer: C [Forests and Sustainable Cities]
5.The Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) has signed how much amount of Line of Credit (LoC) with ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID?
[A] $500 million
[B] $100 million
[C] $200 million
[D] $800 million
Correct Answer: A [$500 million]