1. Which state has bagged Krishi Karman Award 2015-16 for increase in food grains production?
[A] Himachal Pradesh

[B] Andhra Pradesh

[C] Madhya Pradesh

[D] Uttar Pradesh

Correct Answer: A [Himachal Pradesh]


  1. Which state government has launched “Operation Durga” to ensure women safety?
[A] Punjab

[B] Uttar Pradesh

[C] Madhya Pradesh

[D] Haryana

Correct Answer: D [Haryana ]


3.The World Bank (WB) has approved how much amount of loan to help India develop its first modern waterway?

[A] $275 million

[B] $375 million

[C] $475 million

[D] $575 million

Correct Answer: B [$375 million]


  1. India has signed sport partnership agreement with which country to increase cooperation in sports?
[A] Canada

[B] United States

[C] Russia

[D] Australia

Correct Answer: D [Australia ]


  1. Who is the newly appointed Chief Justice of Delhi High Court (DHC)?
[A] SK Kaul

[B] Gita Mittal

[C] Huluvadi G Ramesh

[D] G Rohini

Correct Answer: B [Gita Mittal]