Milestones and U-turns: On the government in its third term
The optics of the 100-day mark cannot conceal changed dynamics for the BJP
Stability and continuity at policy and political levels are signs of good governance, but so are negotiations, compromises and consensus in a diverse democracy. In governance, as in driving, proactive and defensive approaches go together, and U-turns are wise when racing ahead can lead to a collision. The BJP has quietly learnt this lesson, though it is unwilling to own up its own new flexibility. Rigidity has been talked up as a sign of virtuous politics by strong man populism around the world, and the BJP is now haunted by the ghost of its own past bombast. On some major policy issues, the BJP has made course corrections after resistance from allies and the Opposition. It has extended the consultation on the proposed amendments to the Waqf Act, abandoned the new pension scheme and the proposed lateral entry scheme in the high bureaucracy. These are areas in need of reforms, but they can be best achieved by openness and flexibility. The BJP’s rigidity on issues has also begotten equally rigid resistance from the Opposition, which is no good for governance. Similarly, the BJP itself is increasingly becoming a coalition rather than an ideological monolith. It is good that the leadership has realised this. It will be better if it also articulates this more honestly.