VAPID (ADJECTIVE): flat, dull
Synonyms: boring, insipid
Antonyms: exciting, interesting
Example Sentence: It was a vapid party.
Synonyms: cavalier, haughty
Antonyms: modest, unassuming
example Sentence:Her landlord is an overweening lady.
Synonyms: snowy, chilled
Antonyms: warm, heated
Example Sentence:Ladakh is a wintry place.
- UNCOUTH (ADJECTIVE): clumsy or ill-mannered
Synonyms: boorish, barbaric
onyms: agile, refined
Example Sentence:He disliked the uncouth behavior of his friend.
- FURORE (NOUN):disturbance
Synonyms: commotion, tumult
Antonyms: calmness, happiness
Example Sentence:After bomb blast the city was in a state of furore.
Synonyms: cohesive, determined
Antonyms: frail, irresolute
Example Sentence:His dream to become a doctor is tenacious.
- DEIGN (VERB): lower oneself
Synonyms: consent, stoop
Antonyms: oppose, refuse
Example Sentence:She did not deign to respond to the impolite questions.
Synonyms: hidden, covert
Antonyms: known, common
Example Sentence:The conspirators have an arcane plan behind their act.
- REPINE (VERB): complain
Synonyms: lament, mourn
Antonyms: praise, be happy
Example Sentence:Citizens are always repining about the increasing tax burden.
- COMPUNCTION (NOUN):regret, sorrow
Synonyms: penitence, remorse
Antonyms: happiness, disdain
Example Sentence:He confessed to defrauding hundreds of clients, but showed no compunction.