Synonyms: initiate, launch
Antonyms: end, finish
Example Sentence: He spearheaded the meeting well.
Synonyms: obligation, precondition
Antonyms: request, implication
Example Sentence: I shall do it only on one stipulation.
Synonyms: insatiable, prodigious
Antonyms: satisfied, quenched
Example Sentence: I replied to his voracious questions.
- PAGEANT (NOUN): show
Synonyms: extravaganza, parade
Antonyms: hiding, disguise
Example Sentence: I enjoyed that pageant.
- EMANCIPATE (VERB): release
Synonyms: discharge, liberate
Antonyms: confine, hold
Example Sentence: I emancipated him for good.
- FETTER (VERB): tie up
Synonyms: bind, chain
Antonyms: allow, assist
Example Sentence: The police fettered up the criminal.
- FETID (ADJECTIVE): noxious
Synonyms: putrid, foul
Antonyms: aromatic, good
Example Sentence: The space along the room was filled with fetid smell.
- SLUMP (VERB): collapse
Synonyms: crash, dip
Antonyms: ascent, increase
Example Sentence: The share market slumped suddenly.
- DISSEMINATE (VERB): advertise
Synonyms: circulate, disperse
Antonyms: conceal, hide
Example Sentence: They disseminate their new video channel.
- CONCEDE (VERB): acknowledge
Synonyms: accept, admit
Antonyms: defend, deny
Example Sentence: He conceded my idea of success.