- GLIB (ADJECTIVE): eloquent
Synonyms: loquacious, talkative
Antonyms: quiet, silent
Example Sentence:Radhika is a glib girl.
- FECUND (ADJECTIVE): breeding
Synonyms: fertile, reproducing
Antonyms: impotent, sterile
Example Sentence: The airline is looking for fecund individuals who can complete many tasks in a short period of time.
Synonyms: abusive, arrogant
Antonyms: cowardly, modest
Example Sentence:Amara presented a very brazen idea.
- FRACAS (NOUN): feud
Synonyms: riot, scuffle
Antonyms: harmony, peace
Example Sentence:Fracas is going on in the city.
Synonyms: artful, deceptive
Antonyms: actual, authentic
Example Sentence:She has a duplicitous personality.
- DIFFIDENCE (NOUN): hesitancy
Synonyms: backwardness, doubt
Antonyms: arrogance, boldness
Example Sentence: I have seen diffidence in his speech.
- SCHISM (NOUN): separation
Synonyms: breakup, alienation
Antonyms: unity, agreement
Example Sentence: In the United States, the schism caused by slavery led to the Civil War.
- SCRUPLE (NOUN): anxiety
Synonyms: faltering, hesitancy
Antonyms: peace, tranquility
Example Sentence:If a person has no scruples, there is not a great deal he will not do.
- SENILITY (NOUN): decrepitude
Synonyms: dotage, caducity
Antonyms: adolescence, childhood
Example Sentence:Old when I was ten, long gone in senility by thirteen.
- BATE (VERB): to become gradually less
Synonyms: decrease, diminish
Antonyms: rise, grow
Example Sentence:Traffic has bated to a trickle.