1. PORTLINESS (NOUN): overweight

Synonyms: adiposity, corpulence      

Antonyms: slimness, thinness

Example Sentence: They adopt surgical procedures for portliness.


  1. REVAMP (ADJECTIVE): renovate

Synonyms: overhaul, refurbish

Antonyms: ruin, damaged

Example Sentence: She revamped her dream-catcher hanging beside her bed.


  1. RESPITE (NOUN): pause

Synonyms: breather, downtime   

Antonyms: advance, continuation

Example Sentence: She gave a sudden respite amid the conversation.


  1. PEDIGREE (ADJECTIVE): thoroughbred

Synonyms: full-blooded, pure-blood     

Antonyms: base-born, lowly

Example Sentence: They like pedigree cats.


  1. DROLL (ADJECTIVE):  amusing

Synonyms: eccentric, whimsical              

Antonyms: common, normal

Example Sentence: She is a droll girl.


  1. PINCH (NOUN): compression

Synonyms: confinement, contraction   

Antonyms: freedom, release

Example Sentence: He felt pinch beneath his hair.


  1. RESORT (VERB): address

Synonyms: devote, exercise    

Antonyms: abstain, halt

Example Sentence: The duke was prepared to resort to force if negotiation failed.


  1. PARRY (VERB): avoid

Synonyms: deflect, evade       

Antonyms: encounter, encounter

Example Sentence: She parried the danger somehow.


  1. REVELRY (NOUN): merrymaking

Synonyms: debauchery, carousal

Antonyms: sadness, mourning

Example Sentence: Siddhartha is involved in revelry these days.


  1. PROWESS (NOUN): ability

Synonyms: skill, aptitude

Antonyms: failure, inability

Example Sentence: He has many pieces of prowess in him.