- INSTANCE (NOUN): example
Synonyms: occurrence, precedent
Antonyms: denial, refusal
Example Sentence: For instance, you may ask for mobile phones.
- APATHY (NOUN): lack of interest
Synonyms: lethargy, indifference
Antonyms: interest, concern
Example Sentence: There was apathy on the part of project in the meeting.
- MORTALITY (NOUN): the state of being subject to death
Synonyms: fatality, carnage
Antonyms: birth, life
Example Sentence: A mortality rate is the number of deaths.
- REMEDIAL (ADJECTIVE): intended as a cure
Synonyms: corrective, curative
Antonyms: harmful, hurtful
Example Sentence: Remedial massage is very popular in big cities.
- MEAGRE (ADJECTIVE): inadequate
Synonyms: scanty, limited
Antonyms: adequate, enough
Example Sentence: He can’t buy this article because he earns meager salary.
- DISSUADE (VERB): take out of
Synonyms: deter, divert
Antonyms: aid, assist
Example Sentence: The man was about to attempt to dissuade her.
Synonyms: excited, anxious
Antonyms: disinterested, unenthusiastic
Example Sentence: Expectant crowds arrived early.
- UNLETTERED (ADJECTIVE): poorly educated
Synonyms: benighted, uncultivated
Antonyms: brilliant, distinct
Example Sentence: He is an unlettered boy.
Synonyms: ornate, gilt
Antonyms: plain, undecorated
Example Sentence: It was a rococo flower-vase.
- LAMBASTE (verb): punish, beat
Synonyms: assail, berate
Antonyms: compliment, praise
Example Sentence: The government was severely lambasted by the opposition.