1. KEN (NOUN): perception

Synonyms: acumen, awareness                  

Antonyms: blindness, ignorance

Example Sentence: Due to the ken of my poor health, the doctor advised me to eat healthier foods and exercise more.


  1. LAMBASTE (VERB): punish, beat

Synonyms: assail, berate                    

Antonyms: compliment, praise

Example Sentence: The government was severely lambasted by the opposition.  


  1. IMPUTE (VERB): attribute

Synonyms: ascribe, accredit                 

Antonyms: exculpate, exonerate

Example Sentence: Rather than impute his brother, he will accept blame for a crime he did not commit.


  1. LAMENT (VERB): to mourn or grieve deeply

Synonyms: bemoan, deplore         

Antonyms: relieve, celebrate

Example Sentence: I lament for those who believe drinking is beneficial.


  1. LUCRE (NOUN): money, profits

Synonyms: capital, cash                  

Antonyms: bills, debt

Example Sentence: Gangsters searched the house for hidden lucre but found nothing.


  1. LAX (ADJECTIVE): slack, remiss

Synonyms: careless, lenient                 

Antonyms: attentive, careful

Example Sentence: Her lax attitude left people thinking she was disinterested.


  1. MAIM (VERB): cripple, put out of action

Synonyms: disable, disfigure                      

Antonyms: care, aid

Example Sentence: If you do not want your vicious dog to maim or fatally injure people, then you should put him down.


  1. MANGLE (VERB): mutilate, deform

Synonyms: bruise, contort          

Antonyms: beautify, repair

Example Sentence: How should I fret to mangle every line?


  1. NADIR (NOUN): lowest point

Synonyms: base, bottom                                   

Antonyms: top, highest point

Example Sentence: The sun does not spring at once from the nadir to the zenith.


  1. ODIUM (NOUN): shame, dishonor

Synonyms: abhorrence, antipathy        

Antonyms: affection, approval

Example Sentence: Because of my odium for the politician’s views, I have no plans to vote for him.