1. GRUELING (ADJECTIVE): extremely tiring

Synonyms:  arduous, fierce

Antonyms:  facile, gentle

Example Sentence: The grueling six-day march of nearly 200 km from Nashik to Mumbai by thousands of farmers.


  1. REMARKABLE (ADJECTIVE): extraordinary

Synonyms: noteworthy, curious

Antonyms: average, common

Example Sentence: The aim to gherao the Maharashtra Assembly was remarkable.


  1. REFRAIN (VERB): abstain

Synonyms: theme, burden

Antonyms: silence, calmness

Example Sentence: You should refrain from alcohol.


  1. MYRIAD (NOUN): multitude

Synonyms: infinite, endless

Antonyms: bounded, measurable

Example Sentence: Disrupting the lives of other citizens is not how India’s myriad protesters typically behave.


  1. PERSUADE (VERB): convince

Synonyms: influence, prompt

Antonyms: dissuade, prevent

Example Sentence: The farmers were persuaded to complete the final leg of the march.


  1. NEGOTIATE (VERB): consort

Synonyms: arrange, confer

Antonyms: confuse, unsuit

Example Sentence: The government emissaries could negotiate with their representatives.


  1. CONTEND (VERB): struggle to a difficulty

Synonyms: argue, resist

Antonyms: agree, comply

Example Sentence: Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan have had to contend with new policies.


  1. CAVEAT (NOUN):  warning

Synonyms: caution, admonition

Antonyms: neglect, ignorance

Example Sentence: The demand that caveats to the State’s loan waiver scheme be dropped so that genuine small farmers are not excluded.


  1. EFFICACY (NOUN): ability to produce a desired result

Synonyms: adequacy, ability

Antonyms: failure, idleness

Example Sentence: Demonstration of the efficacy of precision bombing is seed there.


  1. CONSTRICT (VERB): become narrower

Synonyms: restrict, contract

Antonyms: enlarge, expand

Example Sentence: No institutional reforms are undertaken to free constricted agricultural markets.