1. VIVISECTION (NOUN): partition

Synonyms: division, segmentation

Antonyms: connection, combination

Example Sentence: They witnessed the vivisection of India into separate parts.


  1. FLOUT (VERB): disregard

Synonyms: defy, repudiate

Antonyms: approve, commend

Example Sentence: The HR department announced that the advertising code is being flouted.


  1. GUTTED (VERB): loot

Synonyms: pillage, plunder

Antonyms: protect, conserve

Example Sentence:  =The temple was gutted and plundered.


  1. PLOD (VERB): walk heavily

Synonyms: trudge, trample

Antonyms: walk lightly, tiptoe

Example Sentence: The thieves plodded back up the hill.


  1. CONSONANCE (NOUN): conformity

Synonyms: accord, congruity

Antonyms: dissonance, incongruity

Example Sentence: There was a consonance between conservation measures and existing agricultural practice.


  1. ENVISION (VERB): visualize

Synonyms: conceive, envisage

Antonyms: ignore, neglect

Example Sentence: Simona envisioned the admiring glances of guests seeing her home.


  1. ACCENTUATE (VERB): focus attention on

Synonyms: highlight, point out

Antonyms: divert attention from, mask

Example Sentence: Abhineet’s jacket unfortunately accentuated his paunch.


  1. ACQUIESCE (VERB): accede with some reluctance

Synonyms: concur, conform

Antonyms: differ, disagree

Example Sentence: Shamita acquiesced in his decision.

  1. GAIETY (NOUN): happiness

Synonyms: festivity, joviality

Antonyms: depression, unhappiness

Example Sentence: The room was filled with the sudden gaiety of children’s laughter.


  1. BRAVADO (NOUN): swagger

Synonyms: bluster, bluff

Antonyms: modesty, humility

Example Sentence: Yashap possesses none of the classic wheeler-dealer’s casual bravado.