- IMMUTABLE (ADJECTIVE): hanging or unable to be changed
Synonyms: immovable, stable
Antonyms: flexible, mutable
Example Sentence: Some people regard the Ramayana as a book with an immutable set of rules.
- CONVULSE (VERB): to cause a sudden shaking movement
Synonyms: shake, agitate
Antonyms: soothe, placate
Example Sentence: A violent shiver convulsed him.
Synonyms: deceptive, deceitful
Antonyms: truthful, sincere
Example Sentence: He is a mendacious boy.
Synonyms: omnipresent, everywhere
Antonyms: rare, scare
Example Sentence: Only God is ubiquitous in this world.
Synonyms: loaded, well-stocked
Antonyms: lacking, needy
Example Sentence: My kitchen is replete with all the groceries.
- MULL (VERB): to spend time thinking carefully about a plan
Synonyms: examine, ponder
Antonyms: disregard, ignore
Example Sentence: I need some time to mull it over before making a decision.
- MUSTY (ADJECTIVE): smelling damp
Synonyms: polish, enhance
Antonyms: degrade, tarnish
Example Sentence: He climbed the stairs to a lofty, musty room.
- CEREMONIOUS (ADJECTIVE): an excess of formality
Synonyms: ritual, formal
Antonyms: informal, unobserved
Example Sentence: A friend’s manners should not be ceremonious.
Synonyms: crucial, acute
Antonyms: inessential, trivial
Example Sentence: Mitali has an exigent need for medication, or else she will lose her eye sight.
Synonyms: ferocious, wild
Antonyms: domesticated, cultivated
Example Sentence: His pet looks feral.