1. PERFIDIOUS (ADJECTIVE): Treacherous

Synonyms: insidious, betraying

Antonyms: honest, reliable

Example Sentence: Madan proved to be a perfidious member of their family.


  1. BITER (NOUN): kid

Synonyms: boy, youngster

Antonyms: adult, senior-citizen

Example Sentence: A naughty biter broke the toy.


  1. MASQUERADE (NOUN): disguise

Synonyms: carnival, domino

Antonyms: openness, reality

Example Sentence: His genuine personality was hidden behind the fake masquerade.


  1. STENTORIAN (ADJECTIVE): very loud

Synonyms: resounding, blaring

Antonyms: soft, low

Example Sentence: His cry of despair at his father’s death was stentorian.


  1. EXPURGATE (VERB): Censor

Synonyms: bleep, purge

Antonyms: protect, construct

Example Sentence: The committee expurgated the film.


  1. ACQUAINTANCESHIP (NOUN): friendship

Synonyms: partnership, cooperation

Antonyms: aloofness, rivalry

Example Sentence: There is an intense acquaintanceship between both of them.


  1. SHEENY (ADJECTIVE): bright

Synonyms: polished, lustrous

Antonyms: dull, unpolished

Example Sentence: It was a sheeny night.



Synonyms: sharp, barbed

Antonyms: fluffy, blunt

Example Sentence: He charged a mucronate knife at me.


  1. NEGATORY (NOUN): contradiction

Synonyms: denial, nullity

Antonyms: allowance, approval

Example Sentence: A sign of  tiny negatory has been seen in an agreement.


  1. INDUCT (VERB): Conscript

Synonyms: enlist, inaugurate

Antonyms: close, end

Example Sentence: Maya inducted him into her business.