1. UNNERVE (VERB): upset

Synonyms: agitate, bewilder   

Antonyms: calm, comfort

Example Sentence:  The news about Rahim had unnerved me.


  1. BROWBEAT (VERB): castigate

Synonyms: intimidate, harass     

Antonyms: aid, assist

Example Sentence: The builder browbeat the labour.


  1. RECONDITE (ADJECTIVE): mysterious

Synonyms: obscure, abstruse      

Antonyms: straightforward, apparent

Example Sentence: She gave me a recondite smile at the party.


  1. QUIESCENT (ADJECTIVE): in a state of inactivity or dormancy

Synonyms: stagnant, inert              

Antonyms: active, moving

Example Sentence: The quiescent river was looking very wide.


  1. BILK (VERB): cheat

Synonyms: deceive, defraud               

Antonyms: honest, give

Example Sentence: She bilked on me.


  1. GESTALT (NOUN): arrangement

Synonyms: composition, structure     

Antonyms: disarray, chaos

Example Sentence: This is a proper gestalt.


  1. LOUSY (ADJECTIVE): awful

Synonyms: very bad, terrible             

Antonyms: pleasant, superior

Example Sentence: His room is filled with lousy smell.


  1.  ZANY (ADJECTIVE): funny

Synonyms: campy, comical                  

Antonyms: serious, wise

Example Sentence: Don’t you think he is a zany fellow?


  1. RENEGADE (ADJECTIVE): rebellious

Synonyms: reactionary, backsliding     

Antonyms: obedient, submissive

Example Sentence: His renegade activities are increasing day by day.


  1. DELPHIAN (ADJECTIVE): obscure in meaning

Synonyms: enigmatic, ambiguous            

Antonyms: certain, known

Example Sentence: He handed me over a delphian prescription.