- GERMANE (ADJECTIVE): Appropriate
Synonyms: applicable, apropos
Antonyms: inappropriate, irrelevant
Example Sentence: His germane approach hit the nail on the head.
- REGIMEN (NOUN): Systematic Plan
Synonyms: procedure, regime
Antonyms: unsystematic, disorder
Example Sentence: The chief devised a regimen.
Synonyms: delegated, deputed
Antonyms: indifferent, unfeeling
Example Sentence: Being an empathic person he donated eyes.
- QUIP (NOUN): A clever remark
Synonyms: banter, gag
Antonyms: praise, flattery
Example Sentence: Vini made a quip at her opponent.
Synonyms: affluence, lavishness
Antonyms: dearth, poverty
Example Sentence: He has seen opulence since childhood.
- RAMPART (NOUN): Defensive wall
Synonyms: barricade, fortification
Antonyms: depression, ditch
Example Sentence: The palace was constructed with a rampart.
Synonyms: appalling, awful
Antonyms: pleasant, lovable
Example Sentence: The director wanted to make some hideous movie.
- DILEMMA (NOUN): Quandary
Synonyms: in a fix, predicament
Antonyms: advantage, good fortune
Example Sentence: Garima was in a dilemma when the panel asked her a question regarding her future plans.
- QUINTESSENCE (NOUN): Perfect example
Synonyms: paragon, ideal
Antonyms: artificial, copy
Example Sentence: Green tea is a quintessence of herbal remedy.
Synonyms: exclusive, final
Antonyms: un profiting, unclear
Example Sentence: He made an irreducible business plan.