Synonyms: exclusive, final

Antonyms: unprofitable, unclear

Example Sentence: We know that this form of association is not primary and irreducible.



  1. HOLOCAUST (NOUN): widespread destruction

Synonyms: devastation, extermination

Antonyms: development, build

Example Sentence: We never heard from him again and heard he had been killed, because there were Jews being killed after the holocaust in the country.



  1. IMPERTURBABLE (ADJECTIVE): calm, collected

Synonyms: complacent, composed

Antonyms: jittery, irritable

Example Sentence: The tumult evidently had not affected his imperturbable gayety.



  1. HOARSE (ADJECTIVE): raspy in voice

Synonyms: harsh, gruff

Antonyms: polite, smooth

Example Sentence: His voice turned hoarse after he addressed several meetings



  1. HUMONGOUS (NOUN): very large

Synonyms: immense, prodigious

Antonyms: small, tiny

Example Sentence: I feel sleepy because I ate a humongous lunch.



  1. LINT (NOUN): tiny particles in the air

Synonyms: dirt, grime

Antonyms: cleanliness, purity

Example Sentence: I did think the hall was rather dirty when I dropped my coat and took it up covered with lint.



  1. INCUBUS (NOUN): evil spirit

Synonyms: demon, devil

Antonyms: angel, god 

Example Sentence: It was one of those rash friendships that so often prove an incubus in afterlife.



  1. SATE (VERB): satisfy

Synonyms: gratify, satiate

Antonyms: abstain, deprive

Example Sentence: Why wait a week to watch another episode when there are 108 more available and you can sate your hunger by just clicking away?



  1. ABRADE (VERB): scrape

Synonyms: erode, grate Antonyms: rebuild, please

Example Sentence: In all cases, however, a hard file will abrade the surface of the false stone.



  1. MACULATE (VERB): corrupt, violate

Synonyms: besmirch, degrade

Antonyms: honour, praise

Example Sentence: The population had not been maculated by inferior races.

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