1.Rejuvenate –
Meaning:make (someone or something) look or feel better,
younger, or more vital.
Synonym:revive, revitalize, renew, regenerate, restore,
Antonym: extinguish, kill, quench, suppress
Sentence: “a bid to rejuvenate the town centre”
2.Remorse –
Meaning:deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.
Synonym:contrition, deep regret, repentance, penitence
Sentence: “they were filled with remorse and shame”
3.Preposterous –
Meaning:contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or
Synonym:absurd, ridiculous, foolish, stupid, ludicrous
Antonym:reasonable, sensible
Sentence: “a preposterous suggestion”
4.Prerogative –
Meaning:a right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or
Synonym::entitlement, right, privilege, advantage
Sentence: “in some countries, higher education is predominantly
the prerogative of the rich”
5.Gibe –
Meaning: to utter taunting words
Synonyms: jibes, sneer
Sentence: “teammates gibing each other when one fouls up an
important play”
6.Supplant –
Meaning: supersede and replace.
Synonyms: supersede, override
Sentence: “domestic production has been supplanted by imports
and jobs have been lost”
7.Testament –
Meaning: a person’s will, especially the part relating to personal
Synonyms: attestation, corroboration
Sentence: “father’s will and testament”
8.Disgruntled –
Meaning: angry or dissatisfied.
Synonyms: aggrieved, resentful
Sentence: “judges receive letters from disgruntled members of
the public”
9.Status quo –
Meaning: the existing state
Synonyms: normalcy
Sentence: seeks to preserve the status quo
10.Ploy –
Meaning: a clever often underhanded means to achieve an end
Synonyms: artifice, gimmick
Sentence: asking me to take her shopping turned out to be a
ploy to get me to the surprise party