The threat of the use of chemical, biological, radiological and atomic weapons of terrorist groups is taking the actual form – General Bipin Rawat




1.Prime Minister Narendra Modi calls for the creation of a new India dream of independence fighters from the youth :-

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called upon the youth to build a new India of dreams of independence fighters. National Youth Festival – Through video conferencing in 2018, Shri Modi said in New Delhi today that the government wants to give young jobs and become progressive.

The Prime Minister urged the youth to make sports a part of their life. Shri Modi also said that the youth should take a resolve to make the dream of freedom fighters India as India.

Shri Modi said that the government is ready to provide financial support to the youth for their innovative work.


2.ISRO successfully launched 31 satellites, including satellites of Cartosh-2 series from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh :-

India successfully launched 31 satellites, including the cartosat-to-class satellite, capable of providing meteorological information. These are trusted PSLVs from Satish Dhawan Space Center of Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh. Left by rocket These include India’s cartosat-to satellite, a micro satellite, a nanotechnology and 28 foreign satellites. It includes satellite from Canada, Finland, France, South Korea, UK and USA.  

President Ramnath Kovind congratulated the scientists for this successful launch and gave it the moment of pride for every Indian. In a tweet message, he said that successful launch of six Allied satellites with one hundredth satellite of India is a significant achievement for India.


3.India will always remain a reliable and close neighbor of Maldives: Prime Minister Narendra Modi :-

Prime Minister Narendra Modi assures that India will always remain a reliable and close neighbor of the Maldives in terms of security and progress.

The special envoy of the Maldives President and Foreign Minister Dr. Mohammad Asim met Prime Minister Narendra Modi at his residence in New Delhi on Thursday. They discussed the relationship between India and Maldives as being the interests of the Indian Ocean and being historical and culturally close neighbors.

Special envoy Mr. Aseem expressed commitment about his close relations with India under the first policy of the Maldives Government of India.


4.India said- talks and terrorism can not go together but terrorism can be possible with dialogue with Pakistan :-

India has said that terrorism and talks can not go together, but terrorism can be discussed with Pakistan. In response to the reporters’ questions in New Delhi, Foreign Minister Spokesperson Ravi Kumar Kumar confirmed that on 26th of the month last month, a meeting of National Security Advisers of India and Pakistan was held in Thailand. He said that there was a major discussion on terrorism and cross-border terror issues.


5.The United States has said that it is working closely with the Allies to get the membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group to India :-

The United States has said that it is working closely with the Allies to get the membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group-NSG to India.

Kenneth Jester said in New Delhi on Thursday after assuming the charge of the US Ambassador to India that India and the United States should have a strong, sustainable and cohesive partnership according to need.


6.The threat of the use of chemical, biological, radiological and atomic weapons of terrorist groups is taking the actual form – General Bipin Rawat :-

Army Chief General Bipin Rawat has said that the threat of the use of chemical, biological, radiological and atomic, CBRN weapons, especially from militant groups, is becoming a reality. He expressed confidence in a workshop on CBRN technology organized by the Defense Research Development Organization (DRDO) in New Delhi today, that the integrated perspective plan of DRDO’s long-term perspective plan and services is to imagine the development of technology to deal with such CBRN threats. needed.


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