DIRECTIONS: Choose the word or phrase which is nearest in meaning to the key word.


Q1. Minimum

  1. Little
  2. Lowest
  3. Minimal
  4. Meagre


Q2. Concise

  1. Small
  2. Brief
  3. Solid
  4. Strong


Q3. Triumph

  1. Gain
  2. Joy
  3. Excitement
  4. Victory


Q4. False

  1. Incorrect
  2. Defective
  3. Inaccurate
  4. Untrue


Q5. Dissolute

  1. Honest
  2. Immoral
  3. Repulsive
  4. Distant


Q6. Venture

  1. Adventure
  2. Travel
  3. Entrust
  4. Risk


Q7. Stupid

  1. Insane
  2. Silly
  3. Incapable
  4. Disobedient


Q8. Laze

  1. Waste
  2. Wander
  3. Rest
  4. Abdicate


Q9. Delirious

  1. Content
  2. Happy
  3. Amused
  4. Insane


Q10. Nugatory

  1. Negative
  2. Worthless
  3. Cheerful
  4. Migratory


Q11. Submerge

  1. To appear
  2. To join together
  3. To sink
  4. To walk on


Q12. Baleful

  1. Deadly
  2. Virtual
  3. Virtuous
  4. Doubtful


Q13. Brazen

  1. Quick
  2. Pleasant
  3. Modest
  4. Shameless


Q14. Festal

  1. Sad
  2. Serious
  3. Noisy
  4. Merry


Q15. Lurid

  1. Happy
  2. Shocking
  3. Abundant
  4. Bright


Q16. Parry

  1. Pierce
  2. To reject
  3. Cut away bit by bit
  4. Ward off


Q17. Docile

  1. Gentle
  2. Stupid
  3. Vague
  4. Stubborn


Q18. Emulate

  1. Discuss
  2. Deny
  3. Imitate
  4. Question


Q19. Implicate

  1. Involve
  2. Doubt
  3. To insult
  4. Make clear


Q20. Bridle

  1. Insult
  2. To bow
  3. Show anger
  4. Criticise



  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. D
  5. B
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. C
  12. A
  13. D
  14. D
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C