Synonyms: laid-back, placid

Antonyms:  clamorous, turbulent

Example Sentence: We must work in a serene environment.      


  1. ACCUSTOMED (ADJECTIVE): be used to

Synonyms: acquainted, habituated

Antonyms: unaccustomed, unusual

Example Sentence: We must get accustomed people to get the job done.


  1. RHETORIC (NOUN):  Long Speech

Synonyms:  discourse, oration

Antonyms: quietness, conciseness

Example Sentence: Sir Martin Luther King Jr was a man of inspirational rhetoric.


  1. KIOSK (NOUN):  booth

Synonyms: stall, rotunda

Antonyms: brick and mortar shop

Example Sentence: She bought the cellphone sim for her mother from a kiosk.


  1. STRAY (VERB): deviate

Synonyms:  diverge, divagate

Antonyms:  stay, reversion

Example Sentence: We must never stray from our path.


  1. DICHOTMY (NOUN): division

Synonyms:  disagreement, split

Antonyms: unity, consensus

Example Sentence: We must remove the dichotomy between the warring employees.


  1. FEEBLE (ADJECTIVE): not strong

Synonyms: paltry, decrepit

Antonyms:  competent, hearty

Example Sentence: We must never pay attention to feeble deeds.


  1. EMULATING (VERB): copy the actions of

Synonyms:   mimic, imitate

Antonyms: neglect, overlook

Example Sentence: My parrot is an expert in emulating me.


  1. PROLIFERATION (NOUN): increase

Synonyms: expansion, spreading

Antonyms: stagnation, contraction

Example Sentence: Flowers are important for the proliferation of positivity.


  1. BESEECH (VERB): beg earnestly

Synonyms: implore, adjure

Antonyms: refuse, give

Example Sentence: She beseeched him to cut his drinking and smoking.