1. On his return to Ayodhya after a___________, Prince Rama is possessed with questions on the purpose of life, and the meaning of ___________.
1) muddled, accessory
2) apprenticed, accordance
3) bitter, accomplice
4) pilgrimage, existence
5) adventure, acquiescence

2. Rama speaks about the ___________ of life, ___________ of desires, limitations of life and the world.
1) amble, agreement
2) junket, compliance
3) destructive, auxiliary
4) raunchy, assistant
5) repetitiveness, insatiability

3. It is not enough to ask questions and seek answers ___________; we have to turn these questions into a ___________.
1) rumpled, conformability
2) intellectually, quest
3) airing, affiliate
4) constitutional, buddy
5) benighted, deference

4. The most sublime portion is Nirvana Prakarana – Transcendence, wherein stories narrate the ___________ of time, space; practical method of contemplation; real renunciation; chittashuddhi, purity of mind, and the seven stages a seeker passes through on his pilgrimage towards ___________.
1) resinous , conformity
2) circuit, docility
3) transcendence, enlightenment
4) canter, entertainment
5) slapdash, duteousness

5. Yoga Vasishtha is a user’s ___________ for utilising the great body-mind complex we are endowed with by the ___________ for identifying and merging with It.
1) blemish, dutifulness
2) dense, meekness
3) course, quietness
4) manual, Existence
5) slipshod,

6. A new ___________ has found its place besides the near-ubiquitous invertor and water ___________ in a large number of upper and middle class homes in India in the last few years: the air purifier.
1) cruise, sloppy
2) excursion, slovenly
3) illiterate, manageability
4) defect, respect
5) contraption, purifier

7. The majority population of course cannot afford these luxuries and continues to suffer with ___________ power outages, undrinkable water, overcrowded hospitals, and in recent years, ___________ air.
1) imbecilic, servility
2) chronic, poisonous
3) peregrination, observance
4) promenade, orderliness
5) deficiency, reverence
Answer & Explanation

8. There are many reasons for the Indian state’s inability and gross ___________ to provide public goods, but the principal among them is that this failure leads to zero political ___________.
1) roundabout, submission
2) frolic, subservience
3) incompetence, consequences
4) insensible, tameness
5) inexperienced, tractability

9. Consider the knee-jerk reactions and announcements in response to the annual and ___________ air pollution crisis in Delhi and northern Indian states; which are carefully ___________ to control the public outrage before it runs its course and dies down on its own.
1) deformity, beginning
2) innocent, cause
3) gallop, commencement
4) predictable, calibrated
5) demerit, carelessness

10. In the earlier decades majority of votes were cast solely on caste or ___________ lines; now the formula to win votes includes promises of freebies, and exercise of ___________ power.
1) mindless, inception
2) communal, discretionary
3) ramble, confound
4) saunter, dement
5) disfigurement, disarray

11. It is one’s ___________ gratitude for all of life’s blessings and contentment with one’s lot with no ___________ of greed or covetousness.
1) capricious, conspicuous
2) freakish, visible
3) occasional, subtle
4) personal, discernible
5) profound, vestige

12. Spirituality is a ___________ state of peaceful bliss, not due to external ___________ but due to a strong inner connect with one’s own Divine core.
1) private, distinct
2) perpetual, stimuli
3) unshared, explicit
4) loosen, , concealed
5) ruthless, disguised

13. It is being equipped with the ___________ wisdom to acknowledge the ___________ of the intransitory aspects of life over what is transitory.
1) primordial, sublimity
2) relentless, exposed
3) release, glaring
4) unbind, indisputable
5) cease, groveling

14. Spirituality is also about ___________ life in an ___________, magnanimous and righteous manner.
1) untie, observable
2) remorseless, undeniable
3) pestilential, transparent
4) traversing, altruistic
5) delay, prominent

15. It is remaining detached in the midst of worldly attachments, performing one’s duties ___________ without giving in to one’s egocentric ___________.
1) lethal, monstrous
2) hinder, lucid
3) pestilent, manifest
4) noxious, palpable
5) meticulously, disposition

16. Spirituality is being aware and ___________ of the eternal and ___________ laws of life, thereby making life and its functioning lucid.
1) chaotic, perceivable
2) blotchy, patent
3) appreciative, infallible
4) grievous, precise
5) malignant, pronounced

17. The wisdom and virtuous ___________ of a spiritual individual does not remain encaged as mere theoretical knowledge but spills forth in all its ___________ in his day-to-day conduct and behaviour.
1) disposition, resplendence
2) grim, homeliness
3) unrelenting, hideousness
4) poisonous, disfigurement
5) disheveled, perplex

18. Armed with the Banking Regulation (Amendment) Act, 2017 and ___________ authorisation by the government, RBI has issued definitive directions to banks for time-bound resolution of stressed assets including through the ___________ and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), 2016.
1) disordered , monstrousness
2) disorganized, offensiveness
3) merciless, disturb
4) intense, discommode
5) subsequent, Insolvency

19. This has filled an important gap in the ___________ armoury of RBI, bringing focussed and time bound punitive action once a regulatory ___________ is identified.
1) grimy, plainness
2) grave, displace
3) fatal, distract
4) extreme, repulsiveness
5) deterrence, violation

20. Contrary to popular belief, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had ___________ to the July 1969 nationalisation not as an instrument necessary to achieve social goals but as a weapon to sack her political ___________, then finance minister Morarji Desai.
1) grubby, perceptible
2) littered, madden
3) ending, frenzy
4) resorted, rival
5) dried, disarrange

1. 4
2. 5
3. 2
4. 3
5. 4
6. 5
7. 2
8. 3
9. 4
10. 2
11. 5
12. 2
13. 1
14. 4
15. 5
16. 3
17. 1
18. 5
19. 5
20. 4