Crime in Kathua

The 15-page chargesheet filed by the Jammu and Kashmir Police’s Crime Branch on the abduction, rape and murder of an eight-year-old girl in Kathua district is chilling. An unspeakably horrific crime has been overlain with an ugly form of communal politics, which has heightened the feeling of vulnerability among the Bakherwal nomadiccommunity. Asifa Bano had been missing in Rasana village since January 10. On January 17, her mutilated body was found, bearing the marks of gang rape. This week, local lawyers tried to prevent the police from filing the chargesheet, and the Jammu High Court Bar Association called for a bandh on Wednesday demanding that the investigation be handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation. By all accounts, the demand owes less to any faith in CBI impartiality, and more to the ongoing attempt to influence the police’s investigation that has led to the arrest of eight men, including some policemen charged with destroying evidence. The chargesheet lists as the main conspirator the caretaker of the temple in Rasana where Asifa was allegedly held, and threads together the sequence of events. The insinuation that a local police force that reflects the multi-religious composition of the State cannot be entrusted with a case in which the victim is a Muslim and the alleged accused are Hindus must be strongly resisted.

It is a shame that the State government, a coalition of the J&K Peoples Democratic Party and the BJP, has been so feeble in criticising the sectarian undercurrents. Protests in Kathua have been going on for months, amidst allegations that innocent people are being framed and demands that one of the arrested police officers be released. An organisation called the Hindu Ekta Manch too populated the protests and two BJP ministers from the State government were present at a rally in support of the accused. The Gujjar-Bakherwal community’s sense of isolation, as the dead eight-year-old is sought to be defined by her ethnic and religious identity, is especially heightened given the backdrop of drives to evict them from what they say are their traditional camping sites in forests. One line of inquiry is that the motive for her abduction and assault was to instil fear among the nomads in pressing for their rights to the forests and commons. But while it is understandable that the nomads are feeling the brunt of the intimidation and it is vital to address their larger anxieties, to superimpose the crime on the tussle over forest rights would be to diminish the brutality brought upon the little girl. The investigation must be pursued for the hate crime it is. It does not just tie in with her community’s rights — along with the Unnao rape case in U.P., in which the victim’s father died in police custody this week, it shows how loaded the system is against those seeking justice.



1) Abduction


Meaning: The action of forcibly taking someone away against their will.


Example: “They organized the abduction of Mr Cordes on his way to the airport”


2) Chilling


Meaning: Horrify or frighten (someone).


Example: “The city was chilled by the violence”


Synonyms:Scare, Frighten

Antonyms:Comfort, Reassure


3) Overlain (Overlie)


Meaning: Lie on top of.


Example: “Soft clays overlie the basalt”


4) Nomadic


Meaning: Living the life of a nomad; wandering.


Example: “Nomadic herdsmen”


5) Mutilated


Antonyms Meaning: Inflict a violent and disfiguring injury on.


Example: “Most of the prisoners had been mutilated”


Synonyms:Mangle, Maim


6) Bearing


Meaning: Have or display as a visible mark or feature.


Example: “Many of the papers bore his flamboyant signature”


Synonyms:Display, Exhibit


7) Owes


Meaning: Have an obligation to pay or repay (something, especially money) in return for something received.


Example: “They have denied they owe money to the company”


Synonyms:Be in debt (to), be indebted (to)

Antonyms:Settle up


8) Conspirator


Meaning: A person who takes part in a conspiracy.


Example: “Conspirators had planned to seize the state”


Synonyms:Conspirer, Plotter


9) Allegedly


Meaning: Used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof.


Example: “He was allegedly a leading participant in the coup attempt”


Synonyms:Reportedly, Supposedly


10) Insinuation


Meaning: An unpleasant hint or suggestion of something bad.


Example: “I’ve done nothing to deserve all your vicious insinuations”


Synonyms:Implication, Inference


11) Entrusted


Meaning: Assign the responsibility for doing something to (someone).


Example: “I’ve been entrusted with the task of getting him safely back”


Synonyms:Give responsibility for, charge, invest


12) Victim


Meaning: A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.


Example: “Victims of domestic violence”


Synonyms:Sufferer, Injured party

Antonyms:Attacker, Assailant


13) Accused


Meaning: A person or group of people who are charged with or on trial for a crime.


Example: “The accused was ordered to stand trial on a number of charges”


14) Coalition


Meaning: A temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties forming a government.


Example: “A coalition between Liberals and Conservatives”


Synonyms:Alliance, Union


15) Feeble


Meaning: Failing to convince or impress.


Example: “A feeble excuse”


Synonyms:Ineffective, Ineffectual



16) Rally


Meaning: Bring together (forces) again in order to continue fighting.


Example: “The king escaped to Perth to rally his own forces”


Synonyms:Muster, Marshal


Antonyms:Demobilize, Disband


17) Ethnic


Meaning: Relating to a population subgroup (within a larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a common national or cultural tradition.


Example: “Ethnic and cultural rights and traditions”


Synonyms:Racial, Race-related


18) Evict


Meaning: Expel (someone) from a property, especially with the support of the law.


Example: “A single mother and her children have been evicted from their home”


Synonyms:Expel, Eject



19) Abduction


Meaning: The action of forcibly taking someone away against their will.


Example: “They organized the abduction of Mr Cordes on his way to the airport”