Vocab Of The Day

  1. CLINCH (VERB): secure

Synonyms: clutch, clasp

Antonyms: let go, liberate

Example Sentence: He wanted to impress him to clinch a business deal.


  1. VESTIGE (NOUN): sign

Synonyms: hint, indication

Antonyms: information, knowledge

Example Sentence: After the huge fire, only a vestige of the house remained visible among the ashes.


  1. ENTICEMENT (NOUN): bait

Synonyms: inducement, attraction

Antonyms: disgust, dissuasion

Example Sentence: They inclined to check the financial enticements.


  1. UNPRECEDENTED (ADJECTIVE): extraordinary

Synonyms: uncommon, unusual

Antonyms: usual, normal

Example Sentence: The Internet has erased distance and given people unprecedented access to each other.


  1. ABERRATION (NOUN): oddity

Synonyms: eccentricity, weirdness

Antonyms: normality, usualness

Example Sentence:  A person with one blue eye and one green eye is said to have a genetic aberration.


  1. VEST (VERB): authorize

Synonyms: bestow, endow

Antonyms: refuse, dislodge

Example Sentence: Executive power is vested in the post of the President.


  1. WADE (VERB): initiate

Synonyms: start, launch

Antonyms: end, finish

Example Sentence: He proposes to wade discussions on planning procedures.


  1. FERMENT (NOUN): commotion

Synonyms: tumult, turbulence

Antonyms: tranquillity, stillness

Example Sentence: They were distracted by a ferment across the street.


  1. DISCERNIBLE (ADJECTIVE): recognizable

Synonyms: appreciable, perceptible

Antonyms: ambiguous, doubtful

Example Sentence: The scandal had no discernible effect on her career.


  1. PANDER (VERB): cajole

Synonyms: please, gratify

Antonyms: disappoint, dissatisfy

Example Sentence: Each time we dine there, Kulyash manages to pander the waiter.