1. MORTIFY (VERB): (अपमानित करना) cause to feel shame

Synonyms: annoy, deflate

Antonyms: please, soothe

Example Sentence: He mortified her mother by creating a conspiracy against his brother.


  1. MUSE (VERB): (विचारणा) consider

Synonyms: reflect, think

Antonyms: ignore, neglect

Example Sentence: He lay and mused in the warm sunlight.


  1. ABOUND (VERB): (प्रचुर मात्रा में होना) proliferate

Synonyms: thrive, flourish

Antonyms: deficient, destitute

Example sentence: Rumours of their separation are abound.


  1. MORONIC (ADJECTIVE): (मूर्ख) stupid

Synonyms: foolish, idiotic

Antonyms: intelligent, sensible

Example Sentence: He is moronic by nature.


  1. CURB (NOUN): (नियंत्रण) control

Synonyms: restriction, rein

Antonyms: freedom, encouragement

Example Sentence: Taking a few deep breaths may curb your temper.


  1. SURREPTITIOUSLY (ADVERB): (चोरी-चोरी) secretly

Synonyms: covertly, clandestinely

Antonyms: openly, publicly

Example Sentence: It was a surreptitiously printed material.


  1. CRIPPLE (VERB): (पंगु बनाना) debilitate

Synonyms: undermine, paralyze

Antonyms: help, assist

Example Sentence: Many countries are crippled by their debts.


  1. ABSOLUTE (ADJECTIVE): (असंदिग्ध) unconditional

Synonyms: free, unabridged

Antonyms: limited, conditional

Example Sentence: I am bound with absolute moral pressures.


  1. BOLSTER (VERB): (मज़बूत करना) strengthen

Synonyms: help, aid

Antonyms: hinder, stop

Example sentence: This step is taken to bolster the relations between the two countries.


  1. MULTITUDE (NOUN): (भीड़) crowd

Synonyms: mass, throng

Antonyms: paucity, minority

Example sentence: There was a huge multitude in that mall.