Topic Of The Day :-“Voters’ Choice: On Maldives Presidential Polls”

The Maldives turns the page on pre-election cynicism with a dramatic result

The interim results of Sunday’s presidential election in the Maldives have given the joint opposition candidate, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih a resounding victory in the direct contest with the incumbent, Abdulla Yameen. The final results will be published by the election commission by September 30 and the current government will, according to procedure, hand over charge on November 17. But it is immediately clear that Maldivian voters have ushered in change, with 58% of the voters choosing Mr. Solih. Regardless of political affiliation, Maldivians have much to celebrate with the successful completion of the election. To begin with, the turnout of 89.2% has disproved pre-election cynicism about the integrity of the electoral process. Early on, the opposition had suffered a setback when former President Mohammed Nasheed, who was seen as thefrontrunner, was disqualified from contesting because of a “terrorism conviction”. Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom was behind bars on the charge of attempting a coup in February this year. Just ahead of the elections too, there had also been many misgivings over the conduct of the election commission, the courts and security forces, with these worries heightened when the headquarters of the main opposition party, the Maldivian Democratic Party, to which Mr. Solih belongs, were raided. Counting procedures were changed at the last minute, which led to some confusion during Sunday’s polling, and many foreign journalists, including from India, were denied visas. Fortunately, the outcome has belied the worst fears about the election, and after meeting with Mr. Solih, President Yameen conceded defeat and vowed to ensure a smooth transition.

For New Delhi, the results are especially heartening as they present a chance to reset ties with Male, which have been on a downward spiral for several years. This was perceived to be a result of Mr. Yameen’s close understanding with China, to which the Maldives is now heavily indebted. Mr. Yameen responded to India’s criticism of the emergency he declared this year by clamping down on visas to Indian job holders, hundreds of whom await some movement in the matter after the new government takes over. India can also now renew talks over the fate of Indian Coast Guard and Air Force personnel stationed in the Maldives, whose visas have been pending since June. India was quick to welcome the provisional results and to congratulate, among others, the Maldivian Democratic Party, and the Jumhooree Party — to which the Vice-President-elect Faisal Naseem belongs. Going forward, New Delhi must stay clear of partisan positioning on the internal politics of the Maldives. The larger agenda must be to partner the Maldives in its stability and development rather than engaging in a tug of war with China.


1) resounding

Meaning : unmistakable; emphatic.

Synonyms : forceful , thundering

Antonyms : incomplete

Example : “the evening was a resounding success”

2) incumbent

Meaning : necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.

Synonyms : binding

Antonyms : unnecessary

Example : “the government realized that it was incumbent on them to act”

3) ushered

Meaning : show or guide (someone) somewhere.

Synonyms : lead

Antonyms : stop

Example : “a waiter ushered me to a table”

4) turnout

Meaning : the number of people attending or taking part in an event, especially the number of people voting in an election.

Synonyms : perks , attendance

Antonyms : origin

Example : “we reckon that thirty-five per cent is a good turnout for local elections”

5) cynicism

Meaning : an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest; scepticism.

Synonyms : doubt , distrust

Antonyms : delight

Example : “public cynicism about politics”

6) integrity

Meaning : the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

Synonyms : honesty , inner beauty

Antonyms : dishonesty

Example : “a gentleman of complete integrity”

7) frontrunner

Meaning : the contestant that is leading in a race or other competition.

Synonyms : champ , conqueror

Antonyms : underdog

Example : “the front runner for the presidential nomination”

8) contesting

Meaning : engage in competition to attain (a position of power).

Synonyms : struggling , battling

Antonyms : acceding

Example : “she declared her intention to contest the presidency”

9) conviction

Meaning : a formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law that someone is guilty of a criminal offence.

Synonyms : confidence , certitude

Antonyms : doubt

Example : “she had a previous conviction for a similar offence”

10) foment

Meaning : instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action).

Synonyms : provoke , incite

Antonyms : tranquilize

Example : “they accused him of fomenting political unrest”

11) conceded

Meaning : admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it.

Synonyms : approved , allowed

Antonyms : confronted

Example : “I had to concede that I’d overreacted”

12) vowed

Meaning : solemnly promise to do a specified thing.

Synonyms : pledged , promised

Antonyms : disavowed

Example : “the rebels vowed to continue fighting”

13) perceived

Meaning : become aware or conscious of (something);

Synonyms : sensed, detected

Antonyms : missed

Example : “his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth”

14) indebted

Meaning : owing gratitude for a service or favour.

Synonyms : grateful

Antonyms : thankless

Example : “I am indebted to her for her help in indexing my book”

15) clamping

Meaning : fasten (something) in place with a clamp.

Synonyms : grip , fixing

Antonyms : loosening

Example : “the sander is clamped on to the edge of a workbench”

16) introspects

Meaning : examine one’s own thoughts or feelings.

Synonyms : meditates , muses

Example : “what they don’t do is introspect much about the reasons for their plight”

17) await

Meaning : wait for (an event).

Synonyms : hope , expect

Antonyms : doubt

Example : “we await the proposals with impatience”

18) tug

Meaning : pull (something) hard or suddenly.

Synonyms : pull

Antonyms : push

Example : “she tugged off her boots”