TOPIC OF THE DAY :-“A) Bolstering Paris: on the Katowice consensus”

The Katowice Consensus Does Not Adequately Reflect The Challenge To Limit Global Warming

The UN Climate Conference held in Katowice, Poland, has moved ahead with the implementation of the Paris Agreement through a rule book, reflecting strong support among citizens of all countries for urgent action toavert dangerous climate change. Public pressure has prevailed over scepticism, although the outcome does not adequately reflect the short window available to make deep greenhouse gas emissions cuts. Yet, the Paris Agreement, endorsed by 195 countries under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), has a long road ahead before carbon emissions can be pegged at levels flagged by scientists. Recently, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in a special report, issued a stark warning on man-made emissions. It said that to cap the rise in global average temperature over pre-industrial levels at 1.5°C, a 45% reduction in emissions over 2010 levels must be made by 2030. This is a challenge for all big economies, including India, which is among the top five emitters of carbon dioxide. In the Indian context, it highlights the need for action on several fronts: scaling up solar and wind power in line with the goal of reaching 175 GW of renewable energy by 2022, steadily reducing reliance on coal, shifting substantially to electric mobility and adopting green industrial processes. Taxing luxury emissions and using the dividend to give the poor energy access has to be the policy target, building on international green climate funding linkages.At Katowice, Indian negotiators put forth legitimate concerns on the likely social impact of the new rules that will operationalise the Paris Agreement in 2020. After all, at an estimated 1.2 tonnes of CO2 per capita, India emits far below the global average of 4.2 tonnes. Yet, cumulative emissions determine the impact on climate, and India’s emissions grew at an estimated 6.3% in 2018. The prospect of increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and sea level rise in a warming world affecting small island states allows little room for complacency. The task now is to achieve a paradigm shift that will slow down the addition of new sources of carbon emissions. As a party to the global climate compact, India has to systematically assess its emissions and measure mitigation actions for reporting to the UNFCCC at stock-taking meetings. This is an opportunity to bring major sectors such as energy production, building, agriculture and transport on board, and make changes to regulations that favour environment-friendly alternatives. China has taken the lead in advancing electric mobility, while individual States and cities are ahead of national governments, as in the U.S., in reducing their carbon footprint. A clean-up in India will help meet emissions commitments and remove the blanket of air pollution that is suffocating entire cities.



1) avert

Meaning : turn away (one’s eyes or thoughts).

Synonyms : avoid

Antonyms : aid

Example : “she averted her eyes while we made stilted conversation”

2) prevailed

Meaning : prove more powerful or superior.

Synonyms : abound

Antonyms : forfeit

Example : “it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion”

3) endorsed

Meaning : declare one’s public approval or support of(v).

Synonyms : approved

Antonyms : disapproved

Example : “the report was endorsed by the college”

4) Convention

Meaning : a way in which something is usually done.

Synonyms : show

Antonyms : discord

Example : “to attract the best patrons the movie houses had to ape the conventions and the standards of theatres”

5) peg

Meaning : a short pin or bolt, typically tapered at one end, that is used for securing something in place, hanging things on, or marking a position.

Synonyms : clinch

Antonyms : detach

Example : “she put her mack on a peg in the hall”

6) stark

Meaning : severe or bare in appearance or outline(adj).

Synonyms : blunt

Antonyms : covered

Example : “the ridge formed a stark silhouette against the sky”

7) negotiators

Meaning : a person who conducts negotiations.

Synonyms : delegate

Example : “US trade negotiators”

8) concerns

Meaning : make (someone) anxious or worried.

Synonyms : burden

Antonyms : pastime

Example : “the roof of the barn concerns me because eventually it will fall in”

9) impact

Meaning : the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another(n).

Synonyms : brunt

Antonyms : avoidance

Example : “there was the sound of a third impact”

10) cumulative

Meaning : increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions.

Synonyms : aggregate

Antonyms : decreasing

Example : “the cumulative effect of two years of drought”

11) prospect

Meaning : the possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring(n).

Synonyms : expectation

Antonyms : impossibility

Example : “there was no prospect of a reconciliation”

12) complacency

Meaning : a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements.

Synonyms : satisfaction

Example : “the figures are better, but there are no grounds for complacency”

13) paradigm

Meaning : a typical example or pattern of something; a pattern or model(n).

Synonyms : criterion

Example : “society’s paradigm of the ‘ideal woman’”

14) compact

Meaning : closely and neatly packed together; dense(adj).

Synonyms : tight

Antonyms : loose

Example : “a compact cluster of houses”

15) mitigation

Meaning : the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.

Synonyms : reduction

Antonyms : increase

Example : “the identification and mitigation of pollution”

16) suffocating

Meaning : the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something(n).

Synonyms : drown

Antonyms : free

Example : “the identification and mitigation of pollution”