Topic Of The Day:-“Sardar Patel, A Shared Inheritance

Vallabhbhai Patel (1875-1950), whose birth anniversary it is today, is sorely missed. He has been, ever since he died at the none-too-great an age of 75, in 1950. He was the keel that the boat of the freedom struggle needed so as never to tip over, the ballast that the ship of state required to stay steady, move safe. This is because he was, first and last, a patriot. A Congress patriot. And then, a man who knew India. The India which the Congress was seeking to define for itself, for India. What was that India? Let us have Gandhi answer the question. In 1931, the year that Patel, for the first time, became Congress president, Gandhi went as the Congress’s sole representative to the second Round Table Conference in London. He defined at that Conference, the nature of the party, and explained to that gathering how the Congress represented the entire country. He explained, in fact, their inextricable oneness.


1) Sorely

Meaning: To a very high degree or level of intensity.

Example:  She would sorely miss his company.

2) Keel

Meaning: (Of a person or thing) fall over; collapse.

Example: A wardrobe was about to keel over on top of him.

Synonyms: Collapse, Faint

3) Inextricable

Meaning: Impossible to disentangle or separate.

Example: The past and the present are inextricable.

Synonyms: Inseparable, Indivisible