Topic Of The Day:-“Discouraging signals”

The most discouraging sign is the behaviour of the Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF). It is true that GFCF at current prices grew at 6.3% in Q2 against 2.9% in the corresponding period last fiscal. This shows an improvement in terms of sentiment. However, as the growth rate of GFCF fell below the growth rate of GDP, the ratio of GFCF to GDP has fallen from 27.1% to 26.4%. This is truly disturbing. The fall must be due to a decline in private investment, as public investment during this period has done reasonably well. Without a rise in the private investment rate, sustained high growth cannot be maintained. There are some doubts about the high growth in manufacturing. In this context, analysts draw attention to the disparities between the rate of growth in the index of industrial production (IIP) and national income statistics. For example, in Q2 of 2017-18, manufacturing under IIP grew at 2.2%. There is, of course, a difference between the national income and IIP figures, the former dealing with value added and the latter with total production. Nevertheless, such sharp differences raise some concerns. In the new methodology in estimating value added in the manufacturing sector, corporate data play a major role. This approach is not incorrect. Though many committees, including the one headed by me, on savings have recommended the use of corporate sector data, some cross-checking is needed. The government has set up the National Statistical Commission to give credibility to the Indian Statistical System. It must make effective use of it. Perhaps a clear statement from the National Statistical Commission will help to put the doubts at rest.


1) Conflict

Meaning: A prolonged armed struggle.

Example: “regional conflicts”

Synonyms: Campaign, Encounter

Antonyms: Peace

2) Annexed

Meaning: Add or attach as a condition or consequence.

Example: “extreme anointing hath neither ordinance of God to be grounded on, nor promise of grace annexed”

Synonyms: Add, Append

3) Insist

Meaning: State positively and assertively.

Example: “the chairman insisted that all was not doom and gloom”

Synonyms: Maintain, Assert

4) Relocate

Meaning: Move to a new place and establish one’s home or business there.

Example: “sixty workers could face redundancy because the firm is relocating”

Synonyms: Move, Change

Antonyms: Stay, Stagnate

5) Embassy

Meaning: The official residence or offices of an ambassador.

Example: “the Chilean embassy in Moscow”

Synonyms: Consulate, Legation

6) Implications

Meaning: The conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.

Example: “the implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible”

Synonyms: Suggestion, Inference

Antonyms: Explicit

7) Negotiated

Meaning: Try to reach an agreement or compromise by discussion.

Example: “they refused to negotiate with the rebels”

Synonyms: Debate, Confer

8) Consensus

Meaning: A general agreement.

Example: “there is a growing consensus that the current regime has failed”

Synonyms: Agreement, Accord

Antonyms: Disagreement

9) Endorsed

Meaning: Recommend (a product) in an advertisement.

Example: “he earns more money endorsing sports clothes than playing football”

Synonyms: Support, Back

Antonyms: Oppose

10) Bolster

Meaning: Support or strengthen.

Example: “the fall in interest rates is starting to bolster confidence”

Synonyms: Strengthen, Support

Antonyms: Undermine

11) Jewish

Meaning: Relating to, associated with, or denoting Jews or Judaism.

Example: “the Jewish people”

12) Lobby

Meaning: A group of people seeking to influence legislators on a particular issue.

Example: “members of the anti-abortion lobby”

Synonyms: Interest group, Movement

13) Evangelical

Meaning: Of or denoting a tradition within Protestant Christianity emphasizing the authority of the Bible, personal conversion, and the doctrine of salvation by faith in the Atonement.

Example: “an evangelical preacher”

Synonyms: Missionary, Evangelistic

14) Vital

Meaning: Absolutely necessary; essential.

Example: “secrecy is of vital importance”

Synonyms: Essential, Important

Antonyms: Unnecessary, Secondary

15) Roadblocks

Meaning: A hindrance or obstruction.

Example: “the biggest roadblock to solar power is its price tag”

Synonyms: Obstruction, Disturbance

16) Null and void

Meaning: Having no legal force.

Example: The change in the law makes the previous agreement null and void.

Synonyms: Bail, Actionable

17) Spirit

Meaning: The prevailing or typical quality, mood, or attitude of a person, group, or period of time.

Example: “I hope the team will build on this spirit of confidence”

Synonyms: Ethos, Essence

18) Gambit

Meaning: An act or remark that is calculated to gain an advantage, especially at the outset of a situation.

Example: “his resignation was a tactical gambit”

Synonyms: Scheme, Move

19) Repression

Meaning: The action of subduing someone or something by force.

Example: “students sparked off events that ended in brutal repression”

Synonyms: Suppression, Restraint

Antonyms: Freedom, Liberty

20) Sparked

Meaning: Provide the stimulus for (an event or process).

Example: “the trial sparked a furious row”

Synonyms: Start, Cause