Govt launches AarogyaPath portal for healthcare supply chain


1.World Blood Donor Day: 14 June

Every year on 14 June, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day (WBDD).The significance of this event is to celebrate and thank all the blood donors in the world who have selflessly donated blood and thus saved a life unknowingly.It also helps to raise awareness and thus gather more donors to be part of the good deed.2020 theme: Save Blood Save Lives

2.Deforestation hits record high level in five years in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest

The Brazilian government said that the Amazon rainforest witnessed deforestation of a record 829 sq km in May, the highest monthly level since 2015.The deforestation in the Amazon increased by 91 sq km compared to the same period last year.Between January and April, destruction of the forest by illegal loggers and ranchers rose 55 per cent, or a total of 1,202 sq km was wiped out..A recent study by the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) warned that deforestation in 2020 could reach 11,900 sq km if the pace of May, June, and July follows the historical average.The Amazon rainforest, covering much of northwestern Brazil and extending into Colombia, Peru and other South American countries.

3.Myanmar to scrutinise Chinese BRI Railway project

The government of Myanmar has decided to scrutinize the Muse-Mandalay railway project connecting Mandalay with the capital city of Yunnan province in China.A Swiss company will review the feasibility study of the railway project submitted by the Chinar Railway Eryuan Engineering Group (CREEG).The 430 kilometre long railway project is a key component of the China Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC) which is part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) for creation of infrastructure spanning the Asia Pacific region.The 8.9 billion dollar project seeks to connect Kyaukphyu in western Myanmar’s Rakhine State with Kunming via Muse in Shan State through a high speed railway connection.

4.Nepal Parliament’s Lower House unanimously passes bill to redraw political map

The lower house of Nepal’s parliament unanimously passed the historic Second Constitution Amendment Bill guaranteeing legal status for the updated political map of Nepal which includes India’s territories in Pithoragarh district.The voting came after a day-long discussion which also included Maoist leader Prachanda’s praise for the Nepal Communist Party which he said is reversing centuries of diplomatic humiliation of Nepal.Following this amendment, the region of Kalapani, Limpiyadhura and Lipulekh located at present in Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand will be part of the map of Nepal which will be included in Nepal’s national emblem.

5.Loss of smell, taste included as new symptoms of Coronavirus

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has issued the clinical management protocol for Covid-19.Loss of smell and loss of taste are included as new symptoms of coronavirus amongst others.The Health Ministry suggested that investigational therapies and drugs-Remdesivir, Convalescent Plasma Therapy, Tociluzimab and Hydroxychloroquine should only be used in a defined subgroup of Covid patients.The Health Ministry also suggested that use of Tocilizumab may be considered in patients with moderate disease with progressively increasing oxygen requirements and in mechanically ventilated patients, not improving despite use of steroids.

6.DRDO develops ‘GermiKlean’ to sanitise uniforms of security forces

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed a sanitizing chamber named ‘GermiKlean’ to sanitise uniforms of security forces.The sanitizing chamber has been set up at Parliament Street Police Station.DRDO’s move came after Delhi Police gave their requirement for sanitizing their uniforms, canes, cane shields, helmets, etc.This chamber is designed to sanitise 25 pairs of uniforms within 15 minutes.

7.Govt launches AarogyaPath portal for healthcare supply chain

AarogyaPath, a web based solution for the healthcare supply chain was launched to serve manufacturers, suppliers and customers to effectively deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.This national healthcare supply chain portal will remove supply chain bottlenecks during the Covid-19 pandemic.The vision of this initiative is to set up an information management and forecasting database platform at national level.It will capture demand and supply scenarios for key healthcare needs items.This public platform will help healthcare users like hospitals, pathology laboratories, research institutes, medical colleges and patients.It will also provide seamless access to suppliers, manufacturers and importers for prevailing needs and demand related to medical equipment, diagnostic instruments, drugs, Personal Protective Equipment, respiratory assistance devices.

8.Grand Anicut Dam in Tamil Nadu to be opened on June 16

The Grand Anicut Dam (Kallanai), near Trichy in Tamilnadu, will be opened for Kuruvai irrigation in the Cauvery Delta region on June 16th.This will ensure the availability of Cauvery water even in the remotest corners of the delta region like Thanjavur, Thiruvarur and Nagapattinam districts.Kallanai is an ancient dam, which is built (in running water) across the Kaveri river.The dam was originally constructed during the reign of Chola king Karikalan in c. 100 BC – c. 100 AD.It is the fourth-oldest water-diversion or water-regulator structures in the world and the oldest in India which is still in use.

9.GMR signs pact with Andhra govt to develop greenfield airport at Bhogapuram

The Andhra Pradesh government signed a concession agreement with GMR Airports Ltd for construction of a greenfield international airport at Bhogapuram in Vizianagaram district.The state cabinet on March 4 had approved the selection of the GMR Group as the developer for Bhogapuram international airport.The GMR Group would develop a state-of-the-art international airport at Bhogapuram which would be ready by 2023.The government is also planning to construct a metro rail network in Visakhapatnam that would be extended up to the Bhogapuram airport.

10.Uttar Pradesh govt decides to adopt scheme of Flatted Factory Model

In Uttar Pradesh, the State Government has decided to adopt the scheme of Flatted Factory Model which will ensure easy availability of land for industries, and in turn, generate employment also.Flatted factories that means multi-storeyed buildings in which multiple non-polluting units can operate will be allowed.The new policy will allow the owner of an industrial land of at least five acres to develop one-fourth of it as a flatted factory.The model can be adopted only for non-polluting manufacturing unit permitted by industrial development authority like manufacturing of readymade garments, handicrafts.

11.India’s foreign exchange reserves surge to cross half-a-trillion mark for 1st time

India’s foreign exchange reserves have surged by a massive 8.22 billion dollars to cross the half-a-trillion mark for the first time.The reserves rose to 501.70 billion dollars for the week ended 5th of June, helped by a whopping rise in foreign currency assets.In the previous week, the reserves had advanced by 3.44 billion dollars to end at 493.48 billion dollars.Total value of the gold reserves, however, continued to decline.Gold reserves declined by 329 million dollars to end at 32.352 billion dollars.India’s special drawing rights with the International Monetary Fund went up by 10 million dollars to 1.44 billion dollars, while the country’s reserve position also rose by 120 million dollars to 4.28 billion dollars.

12.RBI sets up panel to review ownership, corporate structure of private sector banks

The Reserve Bank of India has constituted a five-member Internal Working Group to review the guidelines related to ownership, governance and corporate structure of private sector banks.The RBI Central Board Director P K Mohanty will head the committee, which will submit its report by 30th September, 2020.The panel will also examine norms for promoter shareholding at the initial/licensing stage and subsequently, along with the timelines for dilution of the shareholding.The panel has also been asked to examine and review the eligibility criteria for individuals or entities to apply for banking licence and make recommendations on all related issues.

13.Former Head of Publications Division, Surinder Kaur passes away

Mrs. Surinder Kaur, former Head of Publications Division and Directorate of Advertising & Visual publicity passed away after a brief illness.A senior Indian Information Service Officer of 1968 batch, and wife of former CBI Director late Joginder Singh, she held several important positions in All India Radio News and Press Information Bureau.Mrs. Kaur also served as a Director in the Ministry of Home Affairs.